The Official Subject Matter Experts of

Hit said:
you're essay sucks balls, rev

also.. i'll go ahead and nominate ALFRED_Nueman at jumping off of buildings (I forget the technical term used for it )

Good idea, alfred_nueman expert on base jumping and being cripple
apollod said:
why not?

I've been a cadet than an enlisted person, than a cadet again (well barring me deciding to forgo my contract signing and deploy, I'm still not quite sure, i'm torn on the issue)

I went through an extended basic training (11 weeks, not counting the 10 days spent in reception), in which we tested new programs and procedures that they wanted to implement into the BCT curriculum, some of which were implemented by the time Musashi went through, some were dropped, and some were revised.

I'm pretty well versed on army regulations and operations, both as a byproduct of what I had to know as an enlisted person and what I had to know as a cadet/future officer.

but seriously, all those aside, you'd probably just have to ask me a question about the army, and chances are I know the anwser.
ah ok.. i was figuring you might be some secretary for the department of the army or some shit

and then i would be very afraid for the state of america if you posted on tw
if you have questions about hacking satellite tv, i'm probably your man.

and i have to totally dispute gigafool on mary-jane... Gallium knows a hell of a lot more than gigs, and i know there are a few low-key growers here on TW that probably know a hell of a lot more but have enough sense to keep their mouth shut ;)
Me ---- Mattresses, I sell them and junk.

Also, I am an experienced Grapple whore and any grapple whoring questions can be thrown my way.
whatever man i will out starwars you any day

name the members of the cantina band

(freshman year.. i could have.. :( )
i knew that cuz of the card game.. each one had a card

ed: and i have the character encyclopedia somewhere in my garage
Gangrel said:
nigga best be puttin me in Comic Books

Pyroteknik and Xero too


I would also like to put myself up for the Guitar category. I've been playing for a little over 3 years (can't provide proof of that) but I have a lot of general knowledge about guitars and amps. Also, depending on the wrestling type, I could nominate myself there if its "professional" (IE WWE, WCW, etc.) since I've been watching it since I was 3 lol
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Gangrel said: