Libya is falling/fallen.

Yeah, why would Yankee say I'm not a typical American? I just went on TWO ski trips, visit great restaurants, work a job, drive a car, play in a band, and so on. That's typical American if you ask me.

The people in other countries have the internet and can see what we have in the USA. They live in shitty dirt huts, have no car, make $1 a day, no skiing, no roller coasters, nothing but guns. I think I'd get pissed off too if the leader lived in a palace while I lived in a dirt hut.

It's happening in the USA, the people are tired of the left spending all the money. The democratic state representatives are RUNNING to other states and HIDING. Indiana, Wisconsin, and soon Ohio. RUN DEMS RUN.
Yup, standard issue Republican. Dumb as rocks.
Gaddafi's African influence.

Libyan minister of interior and army general Abdul Fatah Younis - Gadhafi's 'No.2' - resigns - Al Jazeera

He urged the military to be with the people.
Al Jazeera has a Libyan pilot on that's talking about flying in 142 armed African mercenaries.

He said they got $2,000 to sign up and get on the plane and then $5,000 later on.
Hell yeah man, I'd risk getting a bomb dropped on my head for a chance to ride SheiKra!

Actually, if the bomb just landed near me, and blew me a hundred feet into the air or so.. that'd be kinda like riding SheiKra.. Hell, maybe that's their actual motive? They don't got no coasters, so they get the air force to drop bombs near them so they can get the next best thing!

I read this and thought "for a chance to ride Shakira!"
In which case I totally agree, it would be worth the risk.

On a more serious note, its good to hear that some of the military are refusing to fire on their fellow citizens, though maybe they should stay there and protect them from the mercenaries and military. I can only hope for a quick end to the violence and a better future for all the people of every country in the region that are experiencing turmoil; Morocco, Libya, Yemen, etc
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