FUCK CHINA and the Boat it Rode in On

US officials believe China covered up the extent of the coronavirus outbreak — and how contagious the disease is — to stock up on medical supplies needed to respond to it, intelligence documents show.

ABC News
oh man just imagine if we get that pattonian dream team together usa/germany vs. the red kkkommies feat. lil' kim

we gotta get netprix 2 let us pitch these alternate history movies 2 them all day
My balls are still full.
I need to fuck me some China.

Pompeo Proven Right: China Admits That It Intentionally Destroyed Coronavirus Lab Samples | The Daily Wire

China’s explanation that the reason that they destroyed the lab samples was for safety reasons should also be treated with suspicion due to the timeline of events because the day that China ordered that to happen, January 3, is the same day that the Trump administration first contacted the Chinese government and tried to send CDC officials into the country.
it's hard to be upset about a 4-6 week delay when you know your government would've sat on it's ass one way or the other
it's honestly sad how much of a shit show the rest of the worlds medical research is. nobody seems to be able to do proper clinical trials to save their life. all the data out of china is complete rubbish followed by all the early data out of europe
tbf thats the governments trying to cover their investments in the pharma industry

CROs by and large do their jobs quite well
someone needs to open up an amazon/walmart competitor superstore that sells nothing but US-made products
Received a copy of the Epoch Times in the letterbox. Rants about the communist regime is to blame. Best reading material thats landed in the letterbox for years.