[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Pelosi makes a stand

She spoke for 8 hours and 5 minutes in 4 inch heels because #DACADreamers kids are worth it! #DACAbuster


So this vile witch will hold ['protest'] the US Armed Forces hostage in favor of "Dreamers"?

How... patriotic.
Pelosi makes a stand

She spoke for 8 hours and 5 minutes in 4 inch heels because #DACADreamers kids are worth it! #DACAbuster


So this vile witch will hold ['protest'] the US Armed Forces hostage in favor of "Dreamers"?

How... patriotic.

You just know she wore off at least 3 years on that hip. Snap
Send all the Boomers to Mexico; I'm the younger test project for this experiment. We'll save a ton of money I just spent $2.70 on a meal that stuffed me too full. You can get three bedroom apartments in TJ for $250 month. Nursing care? pittance compared to the u.s.

Kids should be like hey Mom Dad going to send you on a vacation

Maybe I should switch to be a Democrat my campaign slogan will be keep the dreamers Deport the Boomers
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Okay you have to picture this but I'll have campaign posters that show and say

'Don't put 'em on an iceberg
Put 'em on a burro'
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Round and round we go

Clinton confident Sidney Blumenthals investigation of the Trump campaign.

The Washington Post on Tuesday reported that Steele gave the FBI a report in October 2016 that he received from a State Department employee about Trump and Russia.

According to the Post, the report was written by Cody Shearer, a former journalist with close ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton, who gave it to Blumenthal, who gave it to State Department official Jonathan Winer, who gave it to Steele, who then gave it to the FBI.

Shearer’s report claimed a source inside the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) spy agency alleged that Trump had financial ties to influential Russians and that the FSB had evidence of him engaging in compromising personal behavior.

A lawyer for Winer, Lee Wolosky, told the Post his client told the Post his client’s actions were “grounded” in concerns that a candidate for the presidency may have been compromised by a hostile foreign power. Wolosky did not say why Winer gave the report to Steele instead of the FBI.

Clintons colluding with Russians?!?!?