[input requested] youtubes


Veteran XX
i've been playing with some buds over the last year and we've got some decent stuff compiled, but have yet to find a singer. we haven't looked really hard, but our attempts via craigslist haven't gone too well.

what type of singer would you say suits our style? singer? screamer? both? i must be terrible @ this kind of thing cuz i can't decide or hear vocals in my head.

[i suggest you click on the vid and watch in 720p]

ps - yeah, video is pretty bad, i know. we're gonna try again this weekend with a little more light, i'll post more later (like it or not!).
Josh Homme would fit right in, but he's a little busy.

Any rock singer would do just fine.

I recommend taking away all of your drummer's crash cymbals.
I recommend taking away all of your drummer's crash cymbals.
Yeah that got really annoying.

And it should be some rock singer that can do the hybrid yell/sing thing but also sing pretty for certain parts.

Or Eddie Vedder, I can just imagine his vocal wankery accompanying 2:24 to the end... "Woaaaahhh WICKEEEDD, ooooooyea....WOAAAHDAUUHHHHEAAYHHHHAHHHH wwwwWICKEEYYAAADD, oooooooh, WICKEAAAYAAD, ooooh, MAMAMAMAAYYYY, oooooh yea"

I know you weren't asking for critique on the music but I liked 2:08 to the end but I feel like you missed an opportunity for a pretty cool build up, like there could be space between the gradual palm mute release and the last riff that you play till the end, or somehow make the dynamic shift more dramatic, like that last riff should be loud as fuck and the drummer should start filling all over the fucking place with double bass and stop hitting the fucking crash cymbal and roll all over the toms and shit and at that point the singer is doing some long held thing and repeating it etc. and your bassist should randomly do a variation on his riff that involves sliding up an octave for part of it, at the same time your guitarist does the high octave of his riff, all of this occurs right at the climax of the song when the drummer jizzes all over his kit and the singer holds a relatively high pseudo yelled note.

But what do I know :(
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thanks dudes, i totally forgot i posted this. i've been thinking a chris cornell type as well, definitely someone who can both scream and sing.

chaingun - i'm always open to critique man, so feel free to say anything. i appreciate the input. i'll mess with things and see if i can come up with something based on your suggestion.

re: the crash cymbal usage, could it be possible the overheads are just too up front in the mix, or is it simply that they're over-played?
It could be that the overheads are too hot, but honestly, the overheads pick up the whole kit, and the crashes are being played *constantly*. When I listen to that tune on headphones, it sounds like the cymbals are about 10 feet closer to me than the kick and the snare. It sounds out of balance. Many amateur drummers hit their cymbals too hard. (Me included. It's a bad habit.) Better cymbals can help, but control is the most important thing.

Crashes are accents, not a beat keeper for the most part. If you want to ride the crash, fine, do it, but don't do it for the whole song. Riding the crash is something you do for a short time to take the percussion to the very highest level of dynamics. The *change* from the normal beat to that and back is what's cool.

I like the guitar sound, but I wish there was just a tiny bit more fizz to that tone. The bass is unremarkable and would benefit from some grindy distortion.

Sounds great otherwise - good effort. Just give your drummer some smaller sticks!
Sounds a little like STP to me. I like it. I agree with CG it needs something after the PM section but you will sort that out when you get your singer and get lyrics.
The bass is unremarkable and would benefit from some grindy distortion.
I also thought this, I think this kind of music is best when you can actually hear the bass tone and have more than just...bass....

Just some more punch to it, certainly not fuzz or anything but it's kind of just passive bassy noise right now.