No charges appropriate for Hillary Clinton email "problem"


PolitiFact updates Hillary's declaration of never sending classified emails from true to half true after FBI director reveals that she did.
you obviously don't know the demographics of texas. there is a very real chance that hillary could win texas because the hispanics don't like trump. texas is about 40% hispanic. (Probably more)

Trump is polling up by 8 in Texas right now, and hispanic turnout was pretty underwhelming in 2012 when people were talking about the shifting demographics. Doubt this is the year Texas goes blue. If on November 8th Clinton is polling near even with Trump in Texas she likely has the election won or paid for or whatever actually decides it now.
Trump is polling up by 8 in Texas right now, and hispanic turnout was pretty underwhelming in 2012 when people were talking about the shifting demographics. Doubt this is the year Texas goes blue. If on November 8th Clinton is polling near even with Trump in Texas she likely has the election won or paid for or whatever actually decides it now.

you never know...

now look at this. this is just fucking sad.

you obviously don't know the demographics of texas. there is a very real chance that hillary could win texas because the hispanics don't like trump. texas is about 40% hispanic. (Probably more) You would probably never guess that San Antonio (Bexar county) was a blue county for Obama.

Less than half the population in Texas is hispanic, less than half the hispanic population is even eligible(NOT registered) to vote.

There are more eligible hispanic voters in California than texas.

Sure, you can find articles trying to woo Latinos into thinking they matter, or telling Texans that they'll be a swing state! But they're mostly headlines looking for an audience. They always end the same way... 'well, maybe not this election... but soon!'

Texas is red, despite the few liberal population centers, which is hilarious\depressing as they are the only places that aren't beaches anyone would want to visit\live.

PolitiFact updates Hillary's declaration of never sending classified emails from true to half true after FBI director reveals that she did.

Site is such a crock of shit. Liberals always want to use it as some "unbiased" website that only reports the truth.
I can imagine her Facebook account:

HC Just checked into <exact street address> Via iPhone> "Home alone. Security has the night off, just chilling in the back yard. Might have a nap. I only drink orange juice from Fast Eddies, he orders it in special for me and container sits on his back door unprotected each Thursday night from 4am to 7am. And I never check to see if the seal has been broken." Public 3 minutes ago

High res selfie below.

Zoom into selfie and you can read her log-on id's and passwords stuck to computer monitor (to launch nukes) in background.
She is more hawkish than Obama, but unlike some Republicans she is not looking for a ground war anywhere. She recognizes the importance of following through with the nuclear agreement with Iran while holding that nation accountable for sponsoring terrorism. Clinton is a known player with deep relationships around the world, and the ability to build coalitions and effectively confront adversaries without provoking all-out war has never been more valuable.


this is what the Democrats want now?? Holy Moly the world has turned upside down. Trump is less hawkish than Hillary and that's a bad thing???

We just want to indiscriminately kill people from the sky with absolutely no forewarning but only poor people - because we don't want to be at war, only like, a little bit at war.