Soon the Burj Khalifa will be the second tallest building. Sadface.


Veteran XV
Because this is being built somewhere.....



Foundation raft in progress - 125,000 Tons of concrete....

somewhere in another universe angry incestuous mullet wearing american rednecks are planning the greatest act of terror their world has ever seen against whatever the fuck that thing is
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It's a massive pole. So like Mariusz Pudzianowski. Except you can live in this one. Observation deck, restaurants etc.

It very large and high.
Look its cool and all...but its not like they built the international space station, or something truly representative of an enlightened high minded people.

Trump builds towers. You think so much of trump right.
Look its cool and all...but its not like they built the international space station, or something truly representative of an enlightened high minded people.

Trump builds towers. You think so much of trump right.

Trump doesn't build dick. He persuades idiots to build stuff and put his name on it so they can lose all their money.

Hey Mitch, how are the rag heads with your dog?

I don't understand what you're asking, because I'm a moron. Oh, no wait, that's you.

mitch has posted 5 times in this popular thread

Go to bed or I'll tell your Mom.
How soon before the great lidless eye, wreathed in flame at its top is fully functional?

Really, are they competing with Kim Pop Tart of North Korea for the worst looking structure?

Egypt built the pyramids, but what were they good for? You could probably recreate and build twenty or thirty blocks of downtown Paris instead of that and it would be useful.
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