[MOVIES] Cloverfield and Cloverfield Lane


Veteran XX
I saw Cloverfield last night. Despite the slow start and bad acting I enjoyed it as a fun popcorn movie. I think after the action started the pacing was done pretty well.

The beginning was just a SJW circle jerk. Interracial relationship, and all of the women are uppity and and talking down to all the beta male men. If you've ever seen J.J. Abrams and his wife you will understand why. He's a beta male and his taller(lol) wife constantly talks down to him in interviews.

Cloverfield Lane is a much better movie. I'm glad they did something unrelated to the characters or city in the first movie. John Goodman is hit or miss with his acting, but he did a great job. Good sense of tension. I was this before I watched Cloverfield.

Both are on Amazon Prime.
i wanted to like cloverfield but the interracial relationship killed it for me

i was like what? what the fuck? what? why? what?? what??????
I didn't even remember/care about whatever interracial relationship there was. Had to look it up to even remember what characters they were - weren't even really main characters. It's really weird if something so minor and unimportant somehow upset you.
don't even remember who acted in that movie

forgettable only the camera hand held thing is memorable also sea zerg lice.
I wish cloverfield lane had been named something else. I wish I could have watched it without knowing that the world outside had gone to shit. So that I wouldn't know if john goodman was just crazy.
I really enjoyed Cloverfield Lane. I wish they named the movie something else to prevent spoilers though. I watched the movie assuming it was unrelated to Cloverfield, but that wasn't for everyone.

edit: beat me to it haha