Post the MOST RECENT [PIC(s)] of you 2


flame on

Those sleeves are looking damn good now
Most of the work on that arm is by this guy. He's doing more cartoony stuff lately tho.

new school style

I don't like the type in general but whatever blows people's hair back.

the sleeve is looking good though

My left arm is pretty much done, I like the work he did on it so I don't want to muddy it up more. My right arm has some space but I can't decide what I would want. He wants to do a koi on my chest but that'd cost a shitload, my left arm was almost 3k
My left arm is pretty much done, I like the work he did on it so I don't want to muddy it up more. My right arm has some space but I can't decide what I would want. He wants to do a koi on my chest but that'd cost a shitload, my left arm was almost 3k

I spent 5500 EU on tattoos last year. :/ This dude's work costs 1000 EU per tattoo. But if I come to visit him in Greece he will do it for half the money, so I'm definitely going to do that (a flight is like 200/300 from Amsterdam to Athens and then I can stay at his place for free and check out the city as well so yeah.. by far a better option). I think I'm also up for around 4k on my left arm now, but that's also because I had the upper part retouched and redone because the first guy who put some stuff on there kind of did a shitty job. :lol:

I'm getting some new work on my right arm later in February. The artist who is doing my right arm lives in Malaysia so he's only here like once every six months or so.

I go to the Netherlands a few times a year, if you ever want to have a drink and it's a fellow Twer...

Shoot me a message when you're around. So far I've only met one person from TW I think. Skipperlippicus was here last year and we hung out for a few hours. It was fun!
ahh we get to play "guess that smurf" yet again.

The only person I now semi recently who would make a smurf is Harvey Denthead