Fuck it cold

Snow, close down the south, we have a trace and they shut it down, no schools open, others going in late, lol.

That's ok, they don't know how to drive when the street is wet, let alone a tad icy.

Atlanta was fuuuuuuuuuucked today

surface streets are averaging about a mile an hour

This is a screenshot I took at 2 PM (note, Newnan in the lower left to Atlanta is ~40 miles)

just talked to my mom in atlanta area

she's been in traffic for 4 1/2 hours trying to get home

I have the air conditioner on and have almost all month now. It isn't hot outside but rather balmy and otherwise yucky. Nice, cool a/c....mmmmm

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Lol Lemon Pussy has teeny weinie and is bottom boi for Brian Boitano.

Are you almost ready to call a truce, or shall we see whose sociopathic skills are superior? I can make you eat your toungue, or maybe I make you kill your parents and grind them into chili and make you eat your own chili parents. Or, we could just end it all, here and now. Either way. Your choice, dewd.

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its funny commuting in denver. was snowing this morning (and the day before), but left work this morning and it practically all melted.
Lol Lemon Pussy has teeny weinie and is bottom boi for Brian Boitano.

Are you almost ready to call a truce, or shall we see whose sociopathic skills are superior? I can make you eat your toungue, or maybe I make you kill your parents and grind them into chili and make you eat your own chili parents. Or, we could just end it all, here and now. Either way. Your choice, dewd.

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