jetting and decreased energy pack your thoughts..

Ridiculous change that wasn't needed that's now only made the game more of a chore, like it was before but 3 fold.

I don't get it, with all the balance fixes they could've been making, but obviously didnt, they chose to nerf one of the MAJOR aspects of the game that wasn't even a problem to begin with... UNREAL(Vengeance).
actually i take back a bit, on winterlake it seems a little harder than OB to keep/sustain momentum. i think because winterlake was almost a forced boost map because its flattish at parts. now with less boost power it does seem harder to keep your energy going forward. unless you hit the route just right, you're not going to be able to get back that easy.

of course, this could be a comment more about wl's map design.

however, on emerald, cavern, isle, seems like i can ski forever. note those are much more hilly.
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CombatWombat said:
Feels better.

Energy management wins the fight. Not the first to get 3 MA's as it was in beta.

Now it's the person who hits 3 ground shots. Woo-effing-hoo.
I played for a map last night, got home late, I haven't had time to adjust to the "weaker" jets. What passed as acceptable in T:V.05 doesn't work anymore, I find myself (even in light) in an energy management crisis. I'm not saying the change is good or bad, I haven't had time to play with it, I'm simply noting that the change is quite obvious.
I'm much in favor of the changes that have been made (to the jetpack at least). It fits with the current scale (map size etc) of the game. Feels appropriately more difficult.

I like it, and hope they don't change it to try and please the likes of ru-queer-ready.
I started the same as some of you guys, when I first played I'd get the ground before I made the hill I wanted. Now I am adjusted to it, and I really like it. I dont know what they changed, but it seems now that I can jet in the direction I want, instead of up and slightly where I'm looking. But I think it does take away from vertical thrust some, which doesn't bother me a bit.

Also.. Probably not the place to ask, but do you guys seem to be "Bouncing" a lot more when you hit the water at a steep slope? I don't remember doing this in beta, but now it's like a trampoline when i hit it, I gain major speed, and its fun as hell :D
yeah i forgot to thank the devs for it, the new water bounce is effing fun. makes me actually want to ski off of water. i suspsect people haven't discovered it yet so thats why its not used on wl so much ;)
Skiing seems faster and smoother with better control. The lack of height bit is annoying at first, but I think I'm getting used to it.
I don't quite know what it is about the tweaks, but for me they've done magic. Everything feels more "real". Energy managment is a critical skill again. Heavies have to work to HO, and light caps aren't the sure thing they were in the OB.

?B-man, keep practicin! You'll get in tune, I'm sure.
Oh... and sorry about all them turrets in Cavren. ;) They were chewing ya up perty bad!