Wilson raises more than $200,000 after outburst

It is all jew money. I vote we assassinate this fucking faggot and his supporters.
we arent paying for illegals you fucking retard

what we're doing right now, at this very moment in this country however, IS paying for illegals. Paying for any bum who has no bucks, no citizenship, nothing.

they go to ER. ER charges them $100,000 for a cold, $8 for one asprin, etc etc
they dont pay
we incur the costs because the hospital passes down the money lost to its patients who do pay

we need immigration reform in a bad way, but racist bald white guys who rule the land with no term limits set, while lining their pockets with their corporate friends money, say no.

hit reset on the congress and senate. 2 limit terms in senate, 3 for house. No outside funding for elections. Only public debates and ad spots provided free of charge by the networks. You get a few 30 second spots per election. 2 months tops of stuff.

do this, and the country goes back to greatness
we arent paying for illegals you fucking retard

what we're doing right now, at this very moment in this country however, IS paying for illegals. Paying for any bum who has no bucks, no citizenship, nothing.

they go to ER. ER charges them $100,000 for a cold, $8 for one asprin, etc etc
they dont pay
we incur the costs because the hospital passes down the money lost to its patients who do pay

Do you seriously believe they will start turning away Illegals at the hospitals? Democrats thrive on welfare and low income people, lot's of the Hispanic vote does have illegal immigrants as family, nothing will change except charging the already insured more.
if 50 million more people have insurance, maybe they'll go to a primary care doctor for checkups rather than ER for an earache. That'll save money. Perhaps the hospitals wont price gouge since that many more insurance claims will be paid, rather than that many more bills go unpaid.
That last sentence didnt make a bunch of sense...
anyway, the more payments they receive, the less they will be inclined to charge $8 for aspirin, $4,000 for an ambu trip, $30,000 to rent a surgery room for half a day.
we arent paying for illegals you fucking retard

what we're doing right now, at this very moment in this country however, IS paying for illegals. Paying for any bum who has no bucks, no citizenship, nothing.

they go to ER. ER charges them $100,000 for a cold, $8 for one asprin, etc etc
they dont pay
we incur the costs because the hospital passes down the money lost to its patients who do pay

we need immigration reform in a bad way, but racist bald white guys who rule the land with no term limits set, while lining their pockets with their corporate friends money, say no.

hit reset on the congress and senate. 2 limit terms in senate, 3 for house. No outside funding for elections. Only public debates and ad spots provided free of charge by the networks. You get a few 30 second spots per election. 2 months tops of stuff.

do this, and the country goes back to greatness

Baucus, Conrad Cave To Joe Wilson On Health Care Bill
that says nowhere "we are giving illegals health care"
in fact it says the opposite.
it's in the bill that they oppose giving illegals health care. Need to create a verification system to implement it. Which is now what they are working on.

Joe Wilson should probably be drowned in a tank of lamprey eels
Do you seriously believe they will start turning away Illegals at the hospitals? Democrats thrive on welfare and low income people, lot's of the Hispanic vote does have illegal immigrants as family, nothing will change except charging the already insured more.

I eat two or more illegals everyday.
Yes, I thrive on them.

And you sir, are either blind or have chosen to avoid seeing the truth in the matter.
Front Row Washington Blog Archive No lie! Poll shows Joe Wilson trailing in reelection bid | Blogs |

Wilson’s verbal attack on Obama provided a big boost to Miller’s fundraising.
In two days, he raked in more $875,000 from 24,000 contributors, according to the House Democratic campaign committee.

But Wilson, who became an overnight hero to many conservatives, has also enjoyed a financial lift. He pulled in about $700,000, said a spokesman for the House Republican campaign committee.

What's great is that Wilson had to ask for donations while his opponent didn't ask for anything.
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you Americans are so out to lunch about your own country. I'd say most foreign peoples who send their kids to school or don't probably end up knowing more about your own country than you do. I've run into plenty that talk pretty sensibly about your situation and they are pretty unsure of what you people think you're doing
hell there is such a leadership void they are willing to back anyone up who has the guts to speak his mind when Obama is around.
its about time someone spoke out and raised an eye brow..shit people are upset that a guy yelled out during a obamas stalin like rally.

We have alot of lessons to learn from the brits.