Does anybody actually agree with this?

No reasonable discourse is possible when you can't handle opposing viewpoints.
No, it's not possible because you're assigning me random beliefs out of thin air. I'm merely questioning the assumption of a positive outcome, and you come back to tell me I'm living in fear, afraid of trans people, etc. It's bizarre. I am none of those things.
You're not questioning the assumption of a positive outcome when you've already pre-determined the outcome inside your own mind based on your own prejudices. It's not hard to read your post and glean your views on trans people who you view as a sign of society losing its morals even though they're a very small minority of people.

If you're not anti-trans people then why bring up hormonal treatments in a post relating to a country/society losing its morals? I didn't have to assign anything to you that you didn't reveal yourself.
You're not questioning the assumption of a positive outcome when you've already pre-determined the outcome inside your own mind based on your own prejudices. It's not hard to read your post and glean your views on trans people who you view as a sign of society losing its morals even though they're a very small minority of people.
I don't view trans people that way at all. I view them as having a disorder. It's a biological anomaly, not a choice.

I'm merely questioning whether this decade's particularly crazed push for overt tolerance resulting in extremes such as HRT for gender-questioning 7 year-olds is a path to a positive outcome. Is it unreasonable to think that the pendulum can swing from one extreme to another? Why? Is it unreasonable to be wary of sudden change to the fundamentals of a functioning society? Why?
I think some 'trans' people, its a choice. And some same sex oriented as well. Not all by any means, but a portion of those people made a choice.
samuwell conveniently changes 'gay marriage is wrong' to 'support traditional marriage' to fit his narrative
I am doing this to make a point.

You personally find nothing offensive with the wording, "Support Gay Marriage" and, neither do I. You find "Gay Marriage is Wrong" to be offensive where I do not. You are dictating to me and everyone else what should be considered to be offensive or not. You do not get to determine what is offensive or what is hate speech, and what is not.

You are hinting that you, personally, would not be as offended if the writing on the cake said, "Support Traditional Marriage" which, I doubt very much to be true. Why? Not a peep from you from the Crowder video where he is asking Islamic bakers to bake him a cake with the simple message of, "Steve Loves [insert male name here] Forever" and is denied by the few Islamic bakeries he went into. Also missing from this is the MSM freaking the fuck out over this... this... injustice directed towards the gays.

no, but nice try
Whatever, he raises a valid point when it comes to who defines what is or isn't offensive. The baker finds a gay wedding cake offensive. The gay baker finds an anti-gay wedding cake offensive. Why is more importance placed on one offense vs the other? In both scenarios, some individual or group is taking offense. I'm not taking a side but I'm super interested to see which way SCOTUS takes it.
i could care less

i think its funny that samuwell will twist facts to make his argument, and when he gets called out on it he flails around making assumptions and tries to convince us that he did it to 'make a point'
i could care less

i think its funny that samuwell will twist facts to make his argument, and when he gets called out on it he flails around making assumptions and tries to convince us that he did it to 'make a point'
The point he might be making is that a gay baker shouldn't be compelled to make a 'support traditional Christian marriage values' cake any more than a religious baker should be compelled to make a gay wedding cake.

That's really the argument that should be had.
he could've said that instead, but he didn't
He's taking the long way around

The crux of the argument is whether compelling a small business owner to take part in something he finds deeply offensive is justifiable.
You're not questioning the assumption of a positive outcome when you've already pre-determined the outcome inside your own mind based on your own prejudices. It's not hard to read your post and glean your views on trans people who you view as a sign of society losing its morals even though they're a very small minority of people.

If you're not anti-trans people then why bring up hormonal treatments in a post relating to a country/society losing its morals? I didn't have to assign anything to you that you didn't reveal yourself.

except the current status quo encourages people with gender identity disorder to mutilate themselves via castration/hormonal treatment.

is that progress?

should we stop medicating schizophrenics too? maybe ecourage them to pursue one or many of their unconscious personalities, forget that it is self-harmful and harmful to those around them?

Apparently hormone replacement therapy on prepubescent children isn't a moral issue, and I'm transphobic for even bringing it up.
1) A cake that reads "Adam and Steve forever" is not the same as one that reads "Christianity is for retards"

2) If you don't want to bake a cake just say you're too busy to take on new business.
1) A cake that reads "Adam and Steve forever" is not the same as one that reads "Christianity is for retards"

2) If you don't want to bake a cake just say you're too busy to take on new business.
Then you're compelled to lie, which is equally absurd.

And #1 might be the way YOU see it, but to the Christian baker it's satan reincarnate...bringing back the topic of who gets to decide what's offensive and what isn't.