
yeah all our custom code is gone like that **** that didn't censor words if you are logged in

going to have to remember where the **** that **** is
whew! Thought my drunk ass messed it some setting.

I wondered why I was signed out......other than the censor thing, I don't really see any other issues.
Click mark forums read and this

our submission could not be processed because a security token we put in your browser, which isused to make sure you session is not hijacked, was invalid.

If this occurs continually, try clearing out your TribalWar cookies. This is sometimes caused by a corrupt cookie. If you don't know what a cookie is, make a stupid thread about it and someone will chastise you.

Was that really necessary? I am all butthurt now.

also isused
project triton "last day" dropdown box still doesn't work, and now it's set to "last day" instead of 30 days or whatever it was before, so it looks like TW is actually dead
interesting, switching it to "last month" in tw liquid made it switch to last month in triton, that never worked before

there is a visual bug though:
