Titanfall: Apex Legens - f2p battle royale game

Having fun with it.


I installed and played like 10 games.
shit I am so bad at this.

where's my disc launcher or a proper chain/grenade, dunno how to aim with these.
new gun tomorrow - almost looks like a hybrid chaingun / spinfuser..can't really tell from the grainy footage they released

also link your twitch prime account to ea and get a pathfinder skin and 5 crates
New patch fucked the PC version again, dc'ed 6 times last night. Gonna stick to ps4 until they address it.
Yeah I haven't played much Pathfinder - but last night had an awesome.match where we were the last 4 teams -i ziplined us to a rock spire - picked off 1 team from.there - then deployed another zipline to a different rock spire - where we took out Another team. My final zipline took us to the final team, that destroyed us a but it was fun as fuck ziplining between rock spires at the final point
have to have a less than year old pc to play this as intended. i have a 970 with everything on low to get 100fps and its hard to spot people. still having a blast though.
Games fun, still haven't found a weapon I like other than the wingman. Sniper rifles are fun but usually don't seem effective
dunno if this has been discussed but weapons generally break down to something like this for usefulness with some exceptions based on ur play style. Best on top, worst at the bottom.
Games fun, still haven't found a weapon I like other than the wingman. Sniper rifles are fun but usually don't seem effective

been sniping a lot.... what I've found is this. 6x sniper scope is too specific. you need something in the 3-4 range, and if you get a variable scope thats fine too. scout is absolute garbage.

Imo the sniper rifles go Longbow>Triple Take>Kraber>Scout. sniping is fine as long as you are willing to hang back in safety while your mates fight CQB. you can do a ton of dps that way.

Kraber hits like a tank, but limited ammo/attachments coupled with a slow as hell fire rate and reload make it a no go for me.