While I think tehvul is a piece of shit, at some point we're just making fun of a person who's mentally ill, and a drug addict.

Nah, I'm actually pretty cool with it







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i feel bad for ryan in a sense.

tehvul walks all over him and he can't really do anything about it. if he bans him, everyone will think he can't take the heat. if he doesn't ban him, then everyone thinks he is a limp dick...

ya think?

i mean, sometimes i have a bad week and i might get down on myself (get, not go you sick fucks), but then i read a vul thread and i think, "wow, at least i'm not THAT guy".

i'm pretty sure rayn makes way more money and fucks way more super models with his 12'' cock than i do... and that's shit-ton.
It's been about 3 months since his manic episode. We should be seeing another one pretty quickly.