where the f is groove

yeah im not online, i tried the new patch briefly and every server played like free shrikes, tanks and shrikes everywhere all the time, uninstalled afterwards

thats just Hi-Rez showing people online forever when they go offline, i remember one time pronigy was 'online' for like 2 months straight (before they banned him for 'hacking')

hirez can't code for shit
y do u hide from mun rtcll?
y u do dis?
y u show up online wen mun go offline?
y u kik/ban mun all time u r online? yus so u can feel like u donot suk total chit @ da gaem?(u do lol)
y do u git rekt on da reg wen u play w/mun?
mun no u wont answer cuz u-za betabitch casualgamer