Does Healbot make me pro or scrub?


Veteran XX
Like the title says, i love healbot, i rely on healbot but lately ive been thinking that it really makes me a scrub to use a clicker based heal assistant. I really don't think i could do half the healing i currently do without healbot or some "grid" type of setup.

So are healbot users scrubs? Whenever i watch arena videos nobody uses anything like healbot and i think they would make fun of me for using it.
I'm sure most raid healers use something like grid/clique or healbot.

In arena, you don't have as many people to target for heals, and you need to take offensive actions as well.
yeah i like the fact that i can keep a focus and a target without having to switch to anyone for heals.

Also, being able to self heal in the exact fashion i heal others works well for me. I have never seen healbot in an arena video though
Lots of arena healers have specific keybinds for targeting their teammates/opponents.

But yeah, in PvE you aren't really maximizing your healing potential unless you have really good/customized raid frames.
if you like healbot, checkout Vuhdo. It's a similar healing/raidframe addon but when i started healing on my pally i tried both and lived vuhdo a lot better. Though I don't know if people who are already used to healbot would want to switch.
I'd say pro. I use healbot and I'm one of the best healers I've ever seen. I get a ton of complements too.

I usually always top the healing meters.

I dont understand how anyone could say healbot would make them a scrub. It does an incredible job at providing the player a very usable interface for healing party/raid members.
I'd say pro. I use healbot and I'm one of the best healers I've ever seen. I get a ton of complements too.

I usually always top the healing meters.

I dont understand how anyone could say healbot would make them a scrub. It does an incredible job at providing the player a very usable interface for healing party/raid members.

Yeah i do get mega healing props, especially in BG's when i can PW:S like an entire EOTS team to rush to mage tower.

it's more arena that makes me scrubtacular with healbot, all the "pros" seem to have all of their heals macrod