1.41 server was all my idea

1.41 server ≠ afterhope

idk why anyone would run the 1.41 exe on a server (or even 1.40, or spoof the version which is possible too)

but it doesn't mean that server checks for cheats, that was my point that you didn't want to hear because you started spamming jew etc and i tuned you out

i wasn't trying to be a dick i was just trying to help you understand the difference

sorry if u got worked up about it, my bad
i'm just parroting things people have said, but 1.40 server was unuseable for several reasons [citation needed]. if it was ever useable nofix made pureclient which was a 1.40 server anti-cheat. it allows the server to do things like file crc checks and reading player preferences (interpolate, mouse settings, etc.)
id do pureclient

however meph at various times over my tribes career, and jack who is a hack, have both displayed just how easy it is to hack the tribes client in subtle and discrete ways.

for example adding slight input lag on ur fire that may not notice
lowering your accuracy rating
setting your client to one netsetting but your real settings connected to the server totally different (reverse last hope reverse polate)
having it so you nr on the flag more often or cant return
various other extreme totally game rigging shit

so for this reason if possible id rather stick to whatever house rules are going on now

alternatively we could try pureclient but i dont trust any anticheat ever anymore

and also they all get bypassed

and also good players would be releasing demos and probably streaming anyway

i like 1.41 but if thats bypassed lets do pureclient and unhappymod
idk wat that proves but jack has always been

#1 a hacker
#2 angry and punishing and amoral as fuk but theres always a cool catch attached
#3 dorky
you guys havnt played cheat free tribe in 18 years

and you never will again

if by some miracle you do, you will lose 90% of your player base

gg's maybe i come back 1 day
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pretty sure lots of ppl play cheat free but ya there will always be cheaters thats why prevent them and then try to rehab them if they get caught
if u have 20 people in a server atleast 13 or 14 always cheating this is the way of tribe 2017

this was way of tribe 2012 shyyyyt nigga
any1 u see complaining about not having their config/lost their config got something in there

if you have been playin tribe legit all these times u can b king on fresh install with simple settings really
im sure there is

you can have major advantages outside of flag.dts and hm.dll in 1.41

tribes 1.40/1.41 has more blown out holes than a hooker

in 4 years shift will have made his own bypass

tribes is so old all you need is interest and some time on your hands u can get around everything

its like a game of chess
u might as well just play the game let the cheaters cheat let the kings king an enjoy the game

only shit players and repetitive "best" players who rage out when they get beat and leave for 2 years really hack
libra ask me one time to make script that exit tribe real quick so mommy/boss/gf wouldn't see him playin