Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day - First 5 Minutes [soooo so bad]


Veteran XX
Christ.. just watch it.

IGN Video: The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day Movie Clip - Opening Sequence

I enjoyed The Boondock Saints immensely. It was a stylized, amusing, funny, etc. movie. Willem Dafoe was hilarious, everyone else did a pretty good job, blah blah blah.

That being said the small budget and style was what helped the first movie in a lot of ways. It appears Troy Duffy tried to keep the style and basically just copy everything about the first one in trying to make the second and good motherfucking god does it not work. This movie looks like they gave the project and budget to a highschool film crew. This thing should be straight to DVD.
I completely agree with Bounty and Hollywood. You can't judge a 2 hour flick by the first 5 minutes, but IMO that was a pretty good intro. Considering they have the entire cast returning with the exception of Dafoe, I think that as long as they don't fuck the story it should be a pretty good movie.

I checked IMDB, apparently Rocco is in this one as well?
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I saw BDS the first time a year ago, and while I was surprised I missed such a decent film for so long, it was still highly overrated.