Fuck trees

You know what I would do in this situation?

Go and live in the desert.

J/K i'm surrounded by trees. And contrary to what you might expect, they ain't all palm trees.
Looks like you need some Californians to come live next to you.
Those trees would catch fire right away.
Not much of a tree aficionado tbh. There's one called a ghaf tree and a few other hardy evergreen indigenous trees and of course there are plenty of date palms. But in the nicer residential areas I'm guessing a lot of imported species that need a lot of watering. Landscape gardening is a massive business here, both commercial and residential.
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i wanted 2 trees cut down and they quoted me like 3600. LOL OK BUDDY ill do it my fucking self. course someone else quoted me 7k for 2 sides of my yard fenced so apparently people are paying stupid ass prices for landscaping around here. Hard fkn pass

1 fiiddy...job was done.
I'm happy enough I've got 2 eucalyptus trees here. I had to cut them down pretty much, they were overhanging neighbours houses and the fence, but the saplings have grown again and they are doing well.

It's a little of the old home here.
Should have had any and all branches that were over your property cut. Wasn't your neighbors fault. It was yours. If my neighbors wants me to help in the cost of cutting the limbs over her property I will laugh at her, but would help with the after cut clean up if I felt like it. Bitch already hates me cause Im gay, brown, and am not dirt poor like she is. She tried to get me for jamming out but I know the noise ordnance hours so fuck her. Nothing she can do about that there. Neighbor on other side is cool tho.

EDIT: Don't know about other places but here it's like $400 to have a tree cut down.

It's not my fault. The neighbour is liable unless they have the tree maintained regularly. They had it trimmed by an arborist a year before so they were in the clear.
You are allowed to trim any branches overhanging your property but only up to a certain height, over that you must get council permission as it usually disfigures the tree. It is up to you to pay for it tho.

I had a similar one removed from my front yard and it cost $5K so it's pricy here.

This branch wasn't overhanging us but it came down and hit the power line outside the property which tore it from my house. I couldn't really wait around to argue about it, I just got it fixed. Then I took the bill over and he was like 'nope, not paying anything' so fuck him. One day that huge tree is going to go through his house and I'm going to laugh.