opsayo u were rite

you live in california now we checked ur ip during the izza rtcll duel when u connected


Don't taze me bro!!!
Still a shame that team TPK didn't get 2 play finals vs opsayo. That would have been gg. Izza on sik em position. Fire on shoot stand position. JJ and zepto on route run. Carnova on afk.
u see my position did get to come into fruition as sic-em boy cuz it was too late in LT but i think it was new meta.

metagame history with dare

sic-em LO was done a lot with people that were really good killers but new to ctf or didnt understand the rest of the position that much in totality yet (which is like 98% of all lo ever) or when you are up against some really bad cheese chase like dutch or chump or snow back in the day

the thing with targeted lo to chaser is if you are actually really good at killing the chaser using respawns on your side of the map it completely negates them from the game which is a huge impact because a good chase d can really be game destroying if teams aren't compensating for it in some way

if you cheese lo kill chaser only with minimal camping and swing to d frequently it can really really fuck up the metagame, if you combine it with double chasing frequently to get the ck before continuing o and a home d that rarely or never chases you can end up with a really uneven game score in your favor (like 8-3 frequently) and getting a lot of cks

its a really easy way for new ppl to become match usable lo but also it can be a legitimate strat to

obviously there are way safer and better ways to lo than this that include camping or running routes sometimes but that is a really good starting position for anyone that is a great cg whore