I will never post on this forum again if Kurayami posts a recent picture of himself

he banned gon and hands out infractions randomly

1) I banned his smurf, his account isn't currently banned as far as i am aware. I believe it was Col or Rayn who banned him last before that.
2) What infraction have I given randomly? I follow the rules to the letter, no matter if they are a member or a vet++. That is why i am not liked. I don't carry favour.
uh you deleted my dwarfvader's wife sig for no reason, hence you do carry "favour"

get fucked

No, and we covered this in one of your other threads about me.

You had a pic of a TW members wife as your sig. That person complained about it. I removed it. We have over the last few years come down a bit on people personal lives being dragged onto TW against their wishes.
Fraggle as an upstanding jew in the jew community of New York, you should be at arms at the beliefs of Beren. Beren is one who follows a extremest sect of Christianity based on belief that Jesus coexisted at the same time as the dinosaurs, Beren also believes in literal translations of the bible. Beren's creationist beliefs and philosophies are so extreme that even other creationists have a hard time swallowing those ideas.
DV claims he didn't complain about it.

Well if he comes in here and says that, which I very much doubt, I will search irc logs and post them (if i still have them.. this was ages ago). But I personally don't think DV would deny it. He is a big boy who simply didn't want to have to deal with your crap. I personally don't can't fault that.

dv posted the pictures of his melty-looking wife himself in the first place

beren you are fucking stupid
beren, why doesn't fufu get banned for begging for my home address and making real life threats on my life ?

id like to request he be removed
once, there was a boy who liked a girl. he liked this girl for a long time, and had pretty much decided nothing was going to happen. then one night, out of the blue, the boy was happy. just as fast as he got there, she took it away. why?
reason: none
once, there was a boy who had lots of friends. they'd known each other for a long time. the boy would never do anything do hurt his friends or anything. then they lied to him and gave him a nice stab in the back.
reasons: none
there was once a boy that sat at his computers late into the night with music playing. he would lay his head down on his hands and close his eyes. why did he have to go through this?
reasons: none
once, a boy killed himself. why did he do this?
he had no reason to live.