Goodbye Northern Cali Third World TWers

did you see the Polocaust denial by Israel

while telling them they owe them holohoax reparations in Poland still?

how Mike Pence was sent over there to try to shekel money out of Poland now that they finally got the red dead rapist army out of their country enough to make a profit again?

man I wish I could make our great government priorities up like they do

Poland will likely fold and fall that every evil hand rubbing grabbler has their greedy subversive set eyes upon it

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i didn't realize you'd moved around so much, neat!

can't sit still when you got rootless cosmopolitan cockroaches chasing you everywhere you try to settle

they are attracted to prosperity like a bear to locusts to a good years crops

white terminal flight that ultimate privilege thing
all of em on the west coast (minus alaska)

the left coast

land of Jefferson state

Cascadia resettlement movement

now the hippy ungrateful dead zombie region of the country

if not planet
see the world they say


nahh I'm good

invite the world to live with you (((they))) say

nahh I'm good but they can stay at (((your))) house

did you see the judge lady in Cali quoted the New Colossus poem for her legal justification for overturning Trump yesterday?

The CA judge, who begins with Emma Lazarus' "The New Colossus" ("Give me your tired, your poor, your huddles masses..."), finds the public charge rule is likely an unreasonable interpretation of the law and that the Trump admin failed to follow proper admin process



a poem......a fucking poem was her legal justification

god i love this state

she should have used some NWA lyrics......something quoted from FLAVA FLAV


A Judge Blocked Trump’s Plan To Deny Green Cards To Immigrants Who Use Public Benefits

Zoe Tillman on Twitter:

banana republic and kangaroo courts

the finest anarcho tyranny can bring us soon
she is like i am going to use this poem as the zeroeth amendment of the constitution

knowing that i will shit all over actual legal precedent and law plus order

and watch they will not be able to do anything about it

she deserved her soros money for sure
it's a living document

as she reads "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"

radical activist judges were a brilliant idea

no patriot say it coming

SPLC/ADL played this one perfectly

we no longer need an ACLU
I hear it is all going according to plan

I know someone that was in the scheduled blackouts, he said it went fine.

all is went fine

both the endless fires and the power outages

and the new 3rd world living conditions

even as the forests burn the State will be green in energy conservation

so that is good news......when the wind blows Cali becomes Venezfornia

power should be back on in some areas by mid Monday at the latest for like 10% of the people living in the State

Millions of Californians prepare to live in the dark again as the state's largest utility warned it might cut power for the third time in as many weeks because of looming strong winds and high fire danger.

New evacuations, power outages near California wildfire

This is fine

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