New phone "leaks"

Everything is fake now. Fake ass, fake outrage, fake gender, fake marketing. Whole fuckin world is fake.
I popped a few tramadol this morning when I got to work and let me tell you this buzz is real
never liked tramadol much, I have the slow release but I crunch them up, they always make me feel a bit jumpy which is sort of not great.

Opiates should be like breasts, natural is always best.
Good ol codeine, that always just gets on and does its job
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tramadol synthetic opioid for moderate pain

but ya natural better

also apparently codeine is OTC here lmao bout 2 pour some lean in my cup
Codeine was OTC here in Aus until the other year. Dickheads decided there was some crisis so made it prescription only.

So now I (and everyone else) gets triple the strength tablets on prescription than were sold OTC.

Looks like that strategy worked really well, big thumbs up
the 12 will be the one to get. the 11 will be no better than the xs. which was already no better than the x.

but you are stuck without the ios 13. apple just invented the swipe keyboard so thats exciting. and they also invented dark mode.

They're also inventing USB-C, apparently