Mass Effect 2

dragon age, me 1, fallout 3, morrowind.. i can't stand all the dialogue. i'm downloading this just to check out the graphics but. i think plenty of games have good stories where you get to decide how much of the story you want to pay attention to, but in all these games the dialogue is unskippable.
im not much of an rpg player i only really enjoyed super mario rpg (super paper mario had way too much text, but was only about 24 hours long)
dragon age, me 1, fallout 3, morrowind.. i can't stand all the dialogue. i'm downloading this just to check out the graphics but. i think plenty of games have good stories where you get to decide how much of the story you want to pay attention to, but in all these games the dialogue is unskippable.
I don't know about the last 2, but you could skip all the dialogue in DA:O and ME1. On PC, anyway.
ME isnt really an rpg to me. If its an rpg then so is Bioshock, which is one of the only single player games to hold my attention to the end since the old FF3 and FF4.
character stat upgrades, an inventory, and a long/deep ability tree makes an RPG

bioshock was not an rpg

(not rpg)

i didnt finish Me1 cause i taught it was boring as shit but the fx where nice so getting the second one

can i play me2 if i have no idea about the story of me1?
looking forward to one fun playthrough of this game, even though i wouldn't be surprised if it suffers from some of the same problems as the original.

it's a shame they haven't even come close to making an rpg nearly as good as bg2 in this entire time.
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I can't believe this game is so over-hyped. KotOR was a good game, I never finished the second, Jade Empire sucked massive balls and Mass Effect started off sucking but got bumped up to meh only because I skipped all the side quests and rushed to the end. The thing is I just don't give a rats ass about any of the bioware characters. It's like they are one dimensional and souless and the combat itself is not fun enough to save the game.

I'm really not sure if I should give ME2 and Dragon Age a chance or swear off bioware games for good as it's just going to be the same crap.

/end rant