Terror attack on UK Parliament?


This woman seems to be suffering from Islamophobia
One day all this will be a day to day event in the US.

I do agree with one of those tweet remarks about how this has to do with blowback. He isn't wrong about that. US does underhanded bullshit to other countries all the time.

However we can't just sit here and take our beating either. It isn't my fault some rich fucks decided to make deals with other rich fucks from other countries and created this problem.


never enough for this cuck

Hilarious, says the man scared of his own shadow. You've probably dont even live in a city that has ever had a terrorist attack, or even one within a hundred miles.

I grew up in London when there were IRA bombs many times a year. An IRA that received significant support from the Irish American population, both financial and moral.

Yet you call me out being for being a cuck? You're a pathetic snowflake who thinks they are all coming for your suburban white small town basement dwelling ass.

Not surprised you guys have 0 sense of perspective, when the most momentous things in your lives happen half the way across the world, and you get to be outraged on someone else's behalf. You really are a closeted SJW, trolling on an internet messageboard, because that's about as important as your life gets, you delicate snowflake.
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Hilarious, says the man scared of his own shadow. You've probably dont even live in a city that has ever had a terrorist attack, or even one within a hundred miles.

I grew up in London when there were IRA bombs many times a year. An IRA that received significant support from the Irish American population, both financial and moral.

Yet you call me out being for being a cuck? You're a pathetic snowflake who thinks they are all coming for your suburban white small town basement dwelling ass.

Not surprised you guys have 0 sense of perspective, when the most momentous things in your lives happen half the way across the world, and you get to be outraged on someone else's behalf. You really are a closeted SJW, trolling on an internet messageboard, because that's about as important as your life gets, you delicate snowflake.

I do agree with one of those tweet remarks about how this has to do with blowback. He isn't wrong about that. US does underhanded bullshit to other countries all the time.

From what I understand, the shitbag and his buddies were all born in the UK.
Hilarious, says the man scared of his own shadow. You've probably dont even live in a city that has ever had a terrorist attack, or even one within a hundred miles.

and? I have never had my head blown off either.. do I need to wait for that to happen before expressing outrage?

I grew up in London when there were IRA bombs many times a year. An IRA that received significant support from the Irish American population, both financial and moral.

La di fucking da! that somehow make your opinion mean more than an American expressing outrage at attacks driven by simply not praying 17 times a day? Take you bullshit beef back to Ireland. That shit wouldn't have happened if the whole lineage of irish weren't weak as fuck and England wasn't such a cuck.
ps I would have donated more if I had known we had a chance of waxing your ass

Yet you call me out being for being a cuck? You're a pathetic snowflake who thinks they are all coming for your suburban white small town basement dwelling ass.

Says the guy that has been blown up in ira bombs and is completely ignorant to infidels and the meaning it has to that religion.

Not surprised you guys have 0 sense of perspective, when the most momentous things in your lives happen half the way across the world, and you get to be outraged on someone else's behalf. You really are a closeted SJW, trolling on an internet messageboard, because that's about as important as your life gets, you delicate snowflake.

and now the coup d'état .. This faggot is is outraged on a message board that people are outraged on a message board. Take your dumpty hypocritical dumbass with your "experience" with IRA bombs and go fuck yourself
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