
Well well well looks like you have a few big conspiracies yourself now don't you

well got damn

this lady ate up a room full of groove's and rock me autism amadeus

white helmets u say

no wonder they won an oscar for their acting roles and not humanitarian efforts
that would be the only part (((you))) would care about


not being so provably full of shit or dishonest on TW

the content or the criticism of my message that washes right off you
call me a liar, prove that i am full of shit, show me that i am wrong

just don't say my name, say my name

if u know what i mean


u try really hard to be an dick to me and i try not to hold it against u, but tbch i barely read most posts here

hey do u like my sig animations? they change when u refresh and i change them around sometimes depending on where im living or my mood or what im doing or what time of year it is

or other mysterious factors i cant divulge

its kinda like a puzzle and u guys love to try to figure out stuff

if u dont have sigs on ur missin out
cool story groove

(I do love your sig btw...best on forum imo)

anything on the video i actually posted that was addressed to you

that, you know, debunked all your other opinions which you were so fond of (and provably wrong about)

don't try to vanster me keef smoker

i didnt really dig i just remember a video about those 'white helmet' dudes being more about photo ops than actually saving people, pretty sure it was posted here on TW a number of months ago

iirc there was some kind of russian disinformation campaign to make them look like assholes which is where that 'ermagerd cnn using crisis actors' meme came from

idk i think its kinda shitty to rip on people doing humanitarian stuff like saving lives but if these dudes really aren't doing shit except photo ops then ya fuck 'em


this one?
rayn, this place is done, cash it in

everybody only posts about me now

i'm going for a run. i'll try not to laugh at the out-of-shape white people i when i blast by them on the trail.

see you next week. maybe.

asking for a friend.

welcome to my sig
looks like it answered your own questions then

but i'm no calgarian cat lady u know

maybe only rock me amadeus deserved ridicule but u got some for being on the same page as him

call it collateral damage of missing my cat box

so i'm not 'provably full of shit or dishonest' ?


i do give u a hard time

but the many millions the white helmets get paid a year, to advance the agenda of uk, the un, makes them nothing short of supporters and advocates of their agenda imo

not truth keepers or humanitarian aid

not sure there is any other way to see it

and after looking at their rehearsal videos Hollywood is frankly more believable (plus trustworthy)

hence how and why they won an acting award and are darlings of this same group
lol yea

i kno u like when i post cuz then u get 2 c my sig

girl u kno its tru

i put in some old ones and some new ones recently

sometimes i post just to see them and i just hit preview or refresh over and over so it cycles

and wonder what life will be like when i can't waste time on such things

-© gruv 2018