The Official Subject Matter Experts of

If there is going to be a molecular biology category, that is where I fall under: I have been doing research in the field for ~2 years. Topic: Predicting cervical carcinoma cell response to epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) inhibition using small tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Basically the EGF-R (aka ErbB1 or HER1) is overexpressed in many cancers, and its activation causes many tumorigenic cell responses. Many drugs have been developed to inhibit this protein as second line therapy against certain cancers. In fact, three of them have been approved by the FDA: erbitux (cetuximab, a chimeric monoclonal antibody produced by ImClone), Iressa (gefitinib, small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitor produced by AstraZeneca) and Tarceva (erlotinib, similar to gefitinib but produced by Genentech). The problem is that no one knows when these drugs will be effective, and when they will have little effect (except in non small cell lung cancer and the mutation that was discovered). A lot of people have looked briefly and found markers of resistance (which is not clinically useful), but I'm conducting a much more in depth study.
Zerk, I'll see your cell response studies and raise you genomic/proteomic profiling of staph pathogens!

Put me down for genetics and biochemistry.
well.. i'm pretty far removed from the end user now. I'm dealing with the big shit. If I were to go in there and change people's profiles... we have a system that would go back in and change them all back to the matching billing profile.

Of course, I could have that adjusted too... but still, I aint jackin up profiles, sorry. I have a hard enough time jugglin all the fuckin bandwidth these fuckers use. :)
I would like to submit myself for the expert on women with the following essay.

This is all very basic stuff, but one would be surprised by how much of it most men don't know.

Like all beautiful systems in nature, this one is based on mathematics.

A + B + C + D + E = X

Any variable can be equal to zero. If X is greater than Y, you get a chance to fuck the prom queen.


Physical Attractiveness

Skin: Fair (no zits, not a ton of moles, no wounds) is best. In a major cross-cultural study on physical attractiveness, the first item on both sexes' list was blemish free skin. This makes sense – if you have clean skin you're not a dirty, diseased person. Scars are hit or miss. If they're not on your face or penis then they can become a point of attraction.

Eye contrast: Yellow hair with green eyes, dark hair with blue eyes, etc. The ideal eye is colorful, balanced against hair and skin tone, bright, and has a lot of white showing.

Muscle size: Large muscles generally indicate strength, and stronger men can kill larger animals, can beat up weaker men, can carry heavier loads, and can manipulate heavier tools. Interestingly enough, the ONLY thing correlated with whether or not a women achieves orgasm during intercourse is the shoulder circumference of the man righteously owning her vagina.

Muscle tone: Toned muscle means a man is doing something regularly to stay active and is a universal sign of youth.

Teeth: The most desirable teeth are pale, straight, and disease free. Pale and straight teeth are signs of youth, and if your teeth have holes, discolorations, or your gums are bleeding, you're obviously not able to keep your diet of a high quality, so why should a woman expect you to be able to provide for her? Neat fact – your teeth are covered in enamel, the second strongest natural substance found on earth after diamond, and after you reach the age of 16, your enamel should be completely hardened. As long as you don't eat a ton of sugar, you really don't need to brush your teeth. For a loooong time, people were able to keep their teeth clean by eating only naturally occurring foods and by making sure to chew on hard food sources every once in a while. The reason teeth start to look fucked up as you age is the same reason osteoporosis hits – calcium depletion. Anyway, this is just a huge tangent to keep people from freaking out about their teeth since society tends to emphasize them so much. Eat right, brush your teeth at least once a week, you'll be fine.

Height: Sexual dimorphism is present in humans for a reason. Men are the warriors of societies, and the larger the frame, the more muscle can be added and the more weight the body can bear. Not only does height indicate the potential for strength, women also simply like to look up at men. This ties into their innate desire to be attached to an alpha male. I've never met a woman who wanted to be taller than their partner; if they're out there they're a tiny portion of the population.

Weight: Weight is important for a different reason than you might expect. The more fat you have, the more estrogen you produce. Because you've got extra estrogen floating around, you start to develop breasts, your penis starts to shrink, and your testes decrease their testosterone production. And while women don't care so much about the physical aspect of extra weight (some girls like a teddy bear), what they do care about is your lack of assertiveness, aggression, drive, and your new womanly smell.

Facial hair: Growth of facial hair is correlated with testosterone. Since testosterone is correlated with muscle strength, aggression, desire, and passion, and those qualities are associated with masculinity, facial hair or the obvious potential for it shows a woman that a male has entered manhood.

Tone of voice: Why is this in the physical attraction section? Loud, forceful calls are commonplace in the animal kingdom. Because yelling and loud communication serve male functions (yelling orders, stopping a person cold through the power of your voice, yelling down an opponent), a long time ago in our evolutionary history the larynx expanded. A calm, confident, enunciated, and somewhat forceful tone of voice indicates that a man is calm, confident, educated, and driven. Voice falls into the physical section because each one of the areas is improvable through training and experience.

As any man will tell you, physical attractiveness can serve as the lone motivator for men to seek the attention of a female. However, this is not the case with women. Instead, it serves as one piece of a complex puzzle. The curious thing about physical attractiveness (to guys) is that we don't need any of it to get chicks. This will make more sense later, but it's important to realize that all physical attractiveness gets you is a foot in the door. It gives you the right to talk to attractive women without a more social introduction but it doesn't matter so much in whether or not they stick around later down the line.


Earning Potential

How much you have: Wealth is directly connected with power and influence. The more money you have the more things you can have, the nicer those things will be, and the more you can get away with in society.

How much you can earn: Talent, dedication, or pure doggedness all serve as means of acquiring wealth. The more you have of these, the more likely you are to succeed in anything you attempt, plain and simple.

Humans are social beings, women by choice and men because the earth is populated and we have to learn how to deal with each other without killing one another. Earning potential used to mean how large, powerful, and aggressive a man was – the man who could bring in the most game, defeat the largest number of enemies, and plow the largest fields controlled the rest of the people in the tribe through his ability to produce goods or his ability to frighten potential opponents. Naturally, while women are still biologically primed to the physical cues that used to indicate potential dominance, they're socially attuned to how much a man is worth on the market. Having a wealthy mate ensures that a woman's children will be completely provided for, and that she will be completely provided for. And because it is difficult for women to acquire a large amount of wealth in human societies, the next best thing for them is to attach themselves to someone who can get it easily or has it already. Less hassle and they still get all the social benefits of being in a dominant household.



There are some things that are simply universal. Intelligent, motivated women (aka the ones you want) do not want to be hit, raped, or needlessly degraded. This means you shouldn't ever do any of those things. It also means that if you see another man hitting a woman you're obligated to step in and put a stop to it. She wants you there to defend her honor if she needs you to, and unless you can justify it in a way she's willing to voluntarily accept, don't criticize her, especially in front of others.

Since this paper is dealing more with short term sexual conquest, I'll ignore the religious aspect. In terms of long term relationships, belief has the highest correlation with marriage rates. In the short run though, it's honestly not important unless she's a fundie (in which case you should be running for the hills anyway).



The grass is always greener. Novelty = excitement. What a woman cannot have, she will covet.


Thus far, everything should make sense. Physical attractiveness, wealth, and ethical integrity lay the groundwork for a successful encounter. This also explains why good looking guys without decent jobs can get chicks, why ridiculous looking guys with tons of money land super models, and why gay guys have entire entourages of hot women.



Perceived confidence is the single greatest factor in whether or not a woman is open to a man's advances. It's what determines how quickly she surrenders herself to your judgment and your actions. So what is it and how do you get it?

Confidence is not something men have; it's something they project as a byproduct of other causes. Confidence is the feeling women get from men who are good at something and know it. Being talented at something (preferably some things) means you've probably been recognized for it/them, which means you've been afforded some social status you wouldn't otherwise have. It also means you're probably making a decent living. Most importantly, men who have goals that they're working towards have been scientifically shown to have more testosterone flowing and more of the chemicals that trigger desire and happiness. This shows in the way they hold themselves, the way they walk, the way they talk, and the way they smell (pheromones).

Now it's time to delve into game-theory: in any situation in which there is a positive and negative outcome, one can calculate the best course of action based upon the risks, benefits, and the rules of the situation.

An example of this is chiefdoms. At first look, communities living under a chief appear to get the short end of the stick. The chief lives a life of relative luxury, has control of land and markets, and he alone has community-level decision making power. But a chief is also responsible for leading his warriors into battle (from which he may not return), providing the community with food from stores in times of need, and of acting in line with the community's ideals in order to boost the community's status in the eyes of other chiefs (and therefore other communities). If he does not do these things, he'll be quickly deposed and the community will find another leader. To ever become chief, a man must be strong, intelligent, diplomatic, and he must have the support of his community. In short, chiefs exist as a means to increase the power of the community and as a means of risk management. If a chief fails, the community can still prosper under another, but not vice versa. The concession the community makes is in ceding some authority and wealth to the chief.

So what are the rules to interpersonal relationships?

There are two players – one man and one woman. At least one must make decisions which effect both of them and which effect their status amongst their peers. The benefit for a correct decision can be as minuscule as enjoying the television program one decided to turn on or as important as cashing in on a million dollar stock option. The risk can be as paltry as getting a bit lost downtown or as serious as losing one's home.

Part two of this problem is the way in which men and women interact sexually (and therefore socially) with each other. No matter what a woman looks like or acts like, there is a man willing to have sex with her, and therefore willing to support her. The same cannot be said of men, who have to prove their worth to women before getting any action.

So the reason behind the perceived submission of women to men should be clear to the reader - it's a strategy of risk management. Making decisions may seem more desirable than not making decisions, but making decisions entails a lot of risk. If a man screws up hard, he can put at risk his entire livelihood (and therefore a decent portion of what keeps his partner around). By allowing men to entail all of the risk, when shit hits the fan, women can simply cut their losses, jump ship, and find a new partner without all the negative baggage and stigma faulty men acquire. When things stay good, women reap all the same benefits that men do, without risking anything.

Of course, women don't want to have to deal with the relocation process. They'd rather get things right the first time, so they're cued to seek out the qualities that define a capable decision making male. That means, intelligence, social ability, confidence, skills, and drive. These are the qualities that define alpha men.


The women's number

Based on their temperament and their physical attractiveness, guys assign rankings to every woman in their social sphere. Because women who are perceived as highly ranked receive the majority of male attention, they enjoy a higher social status. Because they're of a high social status, they receive more attention; it's an auto-catalytic loop. The more attractive a woman is, the higher her social status, and thus the higher her number is.

To sum


physical attractiveness + earning potential + ethics + unavailability + How confident she perceives you as > her number

you have a decent chance at scoring.

perceived confidence ------------------------ most important
earning potential
physical attractiveness
ethics ------------------------------------------- least important

There are certainly wealthy men with beautiful wives who are ugly and unethical. There are physically attractive guys with a bit of confidence and unavailability who get lots of chicks. There are extremely ethical, confident men who manage to do nicely for themselves. What matters is assessing yourself, minimizing your weaknesses, and maximizing your strengths. The two things to remember are:

You can always improve one or more areas.

There are many ways to solve the problem.

Making use of this

Now that you know what women are looking for, you need to know how to maneuver yourself into striking position. Human mating rituals are ancient and fairly concrete – once you understand the rules they should hold true for the majority of women in any culture.

Because women are social animals, and because they're primarily concerned with landing an alpha male for a partner, the best place to meet women is in repeated social settings. Classes, regular get-togethers, intramurals, hobbies, work-places; any stable social group serves as a launch pad. A man's goal should be to become friends with everyone present whom the social group accepts and to shy away from anyone the social group rejects. Even if you're not attracted to many of the women in the group, it pays to be friendly with them, since all the women talk amongst themselves and reach group consensuses about the attractiveness and fuckability of the men they know. Being friends with the hot girl's friends also puts you inside her information loop. It's a good way to learn what your target is in to, what she dislikes, etc. without having to find out in more awkward ways.

Remember: although you're being friendly, you don't really want to become friends with any of the women you're interested in. Friends are the people women share their problems and stories with – you don't want to be this person. You want to be the one they go to for assurance, guidance, and sex. Your goal is to project an aura of education, quick wit, and stability. Don't stutter, always speak clearly and intentfully, and be yourself. Don't be afraid to make a joke, but don't blush if it bombs. They're the ones without the sense of humor, not you. It's ok to be wrong, but it's good to have strong, defensible opinions on subjects. When you speak to people, look at the bridge of their nose – you're not intimidated since you're not looking into their eyes directly and to them it appears as if you're looking at both of their eyes at once. You can stare at their boobs when they're not paying attention. Most importantly, when the women you're interested speak, be an active listener. Women love to talk, they love true discussions more.

When you're allied with the right people, you speak calmly and confidently, and you look people “in the eyes,” you're showing everyone that matters the respect they desire. The consequence is that they will tend to respect you.

Usually the process of introductions and acclimation takes a couple days. Some guys prefer to ask for numbers and dates as soon as they feel comfortable doing so. Nothing wrong with that, but the more unknown you are to one another, the more difficult it is to break the ice over dinner and the more difficult it is to keep the relationship (of sorts) moving. Personally, I like to wait a couple weeks before I launch in. You'd really be surprised what you can learn about someone just by paying attention over a few weeks time, and with a little background information it's much easier to set up dates and meetings you think she'll enjoy.

And since a key component of your attractiveness is your social status, it pays to wait. Well-timed put downs and jokes at other men's expense make you appear dominant. If the other men in the social group defer to your judgment, it's a safe bet that all the women do too. Keep in mind that the more alpha you are, the more desirable you are. Your goal is peaceful and amiable control of the social network. Once you have it, you'll be the item every girl wants to have. The cliché that women want the guy the other guys envy is completely and utterly correct.

Earlier I wrote that confidence is mostly just a perception girls pick up on, and that it reflects a man's goals, his means to complete them, and his dominance. That's true, but there is one aspect of confidence that a man can directly control. Simply put, there are tons of perfect-ten fish in the sea, and experienced men know that very few of their advances will actually pan out due to a variety of extraneous factors. By knowing this and projecting a vibe of “I like you but I'm not afraid to drop you”, you're basically challenging her to accept your advance, which is a good thing. Their thinking is that if you're not man enough to ask for what you want, you're not an alpha, and you're not worth attaching to. That's not to say that women won't approach ultra-hot or ultra-successful men, but a man who fails at communicating his desires is a man who will soon find himself without a partner.

The bottom line

90% of the battle is getting her name, number, and address. Winning that battle requires having a skill, a purpose, and drive. If you have those things, you will be perceived as a confident, decision-capable man, and if you can utilize some simple social tools, you can thrust yourself into a position of social dominance. The combination of those two elements creates an alpha male who is nearly guaranteed to attract the attention and regard of a statistical majority of women.
you're essay sucks balls, rev

also.. i'll go ahead and nominate ALFRED_Nueman at jumping off of buildings (I forget the technical term used for it )
Hit said:
you're essay sucks balls, rev

also.. i'll go ahead and nominate ALFRED_Nueman at jumping off of buildings (I forget the technical term used for it )

it's been revised, there's no way you read it piece of shit!, SAP Business One, mid tier ERP and accounting systems, Climbing Mt McKinley, Raising kids in a blended family (step kids with an additional bio kid), and a bunch of other stupid shit you gain experience in by the time you get to my age.
Hit said:
you're essay sucks balls, rev

also.. i'll go ahead and nominate ALFRED_Nueman at jumping off of buildings (I forget the technical term used for it )
I believe that is called base jumping.
Unfortunately, although I consider myself an expert on many wide-ranging subjects, I'm too shy too claim ownership of anything I might lose on.

Therefore: crown me the king of Rhodesian history.
fu kthat. im expert of cellphones.

i like to see if phones produce around -95db or so. im a true geek at heart for phones.

i know how base station controllers work, fuck its almost my life.

ive been in the cellular industry for 3 years but i learned so much outside th sales floor regarding networks.

i can tell you the benefits of the network verizon uses (cdma) vs cingulars (gsm) aqnd vice versa and the pros and cons
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