[Hion] Would you wreck this?

Sorry....didnt mean to steal your thunder from trying to gain acceptance over a girl you just remembered you fucked a couple years ago.
nah I just don't fight

I'm a lover not a fighter

what can I say bro

Well you could say "i'm really confused about my identity, but for now i'm gonna play the alpha card for as long as the rest of the nerdbabies keep believing it"
Obi, regardless of what this chick did to you, telling her boyfriend the way you did was uncalled for. Imagine dating a girl for a while and some d-bag messages you and not only claims that his girlfriend has been cheating, but also provides explicit details. That guy was innocent, and it was juvenile of you to go about it the way you did.

Also, anyone who takes a picture trying to look hard like that looks like a doucher. I'm looking forward to seeing it shopped.
the law of tribalwar 2010 says that every thread will eventually become a juggs or mitchdubai thread

everyone probably gets bored waiting for your sat phone to pick up a new connection while in your lear jet over siberia snorting coke off a supermodel's tits so you can post more about how great your life is.

gotta pick it up a little brolly
obi is doing the guy a favor

imagine if everyone thought like a fucking beta like that and didn't say shit when bitches got out of line

how many dudes do you think are plugging your chick and they're not telling you
You sound more like a hipster faggot than an alpha male.

And the revenge messages come off as desperate and immature. Your alpha status is in serious doubt.
If I ever had a gf that cheated, and a guy just told me that she was fucking him, I'd be raging at the cheating bitch and dump her while thanking the guy for doing me a favor, but doing what you did Obi would make me want to slash the guys tires and nail his dog to his front door.
It's funny when jealous nerdvirgins try to draw conclusions about people while not even being part of the TW real life community.

And they act like what they're saying anonymously over the internet carries weight

Amirite ground zero and company???11

cause women who would fuck someone else while in a committed relationship are clearly the ones you want to get into another relationship with

so basically you can only get low self esteem sluts?
cause women who would fuck someone else while in a committed relationship are clearly the ones you want to get into another relationship with

so basically you can only get low self esteem sluts?

Most women are low self-esteem sluts.

A few aren't sluts. It's rare though.

The low self-esteem though, is like 80% of women, at least.

Jesus christ I feel like NGFM writing that