Prime Day 2019

Everyone buys things. I prefer to spend less money when I do.

I bought a bunch of stuffs that I need.

Sunglasses (for not going blind while I drive).
Bag (For work)
Thermos (For consuming liquids and not dying)
Green Tea (Again for not dying and remaining not fat)
Scale (For maintaining my weight and counting calories etc)
Instant Pot (Cus I never cook anymore and I need something for vegetables)

And a kindle paperwhite (Knowledge is power helps you not die, etc. Also spoiling
myself a bit).

So yeah, that's what I bought.
Cup Noodles bc they good 2 keep around 4 when im drunk or just want a snack
Roasted Barley Tea
Butter Chicken Curry
Alfredo Soss
Soup Mix
i had like 1500 bucks in amazon gift cards so i bought a bunch of garbage that i probably dont need

as is tradition
4k fire stick and ethernet adapter because I want Bezos to have a good experience while snooping on me. Half price!
micro size usb memory stick for jeep console
bulk batteries for my welding helmet
a few motherboard batteries
mini bluetooth keyboard with trackpad for tv media remote

still get 90% from ebay though , almost always much better price than amazon