HION - I let her slob my nob

is she pre- or post-op?

he looks hittable in the face shot, but once you see the body shot he just looks butch. maybe once he gets his hormone cycles down or whatever i'd hit it
Wow, good call on the chub alert guys. My chubdar must be broke.

no problem bro


for the rest of you nerd virgin nonbelievers, the fact I called chub on page 1, post 6 of this thread should help to convince you that I do, indeed, fuck models. thanks.
no obi, that just proves that you easily recognize fat chicks

if anything it proves that you do, indeed, fuck fat chicks
Her face i find pretty attractive, so it was a definite yes at that point. The bodyshot is completely different to what i expected, i had a small woman in mind. Her body looks massive and ima have to say NO, sorry.
not gonna lie, blitz, that chick is like my fucking dream girl. omg... so hot

edit: ok just found the pic of her in the green shirt... do not want anymore.
and yes to below me... it is because of her fucking linebacker fucking shoulders
When I was 15 I once got the tip of my cock head in my mouth, I balked from surprise and it has been a glorious moment I have been chasing ever sense. I am way past my prime now and it will never happen again but I will be damned if I ever going to stop trying. You have to chase your dreams that is truly living.