[Official] Suggestion Box

it wasn't actively removed it just wasn't in the base template for this version when we created the skin

at this point, the html for the skins has become so complicated I don't have a good way to edit them because it seems like every change i make breaks something else. I'm not very good with CSS.
Give me the skin or set up a development area and I'll fix your skin for you.

Oh, and recently someone recommended a vBulletin plugin that works in tandem with an iPhone application. At the time when it was recommended, the server-side script was $80, but the iPhone client-side application was free. They have since switched up their business model. Now the vBulletin plugin is free, and the iPhone app is $3.

So I would like to recommend that plugin be installed since it's free and a few TWers were interested in it: Tapatalk - iPhone/iPod native support - vBulletin.org Forum

I recommended to the developer that he make a Windows Mobile application for it as well. I told him that if he doesn't do it, then I or someone else eventually will. We'll see how that blows over.
Does tapatalk allow advertisements to be displayed? That would be the only way I would think TW would support it. Unless TW could make the tapatalk feature for donors only.
StyleID 27 ("Mobile" template) doesn't have ads. Nor does TW archive.

But to answer your question: I have no idea if Tapatalk allows ads. I'd guess not.
The mobile template is a piece of shit and I doubt anyone uses it. The archive doesn't give people the option of posting so they'd still have to view the thread normally to be able to reply.
Oh, my bad. I thought I had all of TW on my white list, but as it turns out, I only have showthread.php, forumdisplay.php, newreply.php, search.php, usercp.php, and showpost.php on my white list. So the ads were being blocked on the archive.
at this point the bottleneck to implementing anything is manpower.
i don't even have time to set up dev stuff.

my daily schedule is
600-1900- work
1900-2000 - prep dinner, change
2000-2100 - gym
2100-2230 - laundry,clean,household chores

and on the weekends the woman i need to get the fuck away from the computer
but I will look over taptalk as a contributor feature potentially

setting up a dev environment ... would be difficult for me time wise ... but i wish i had one.
I am including 1 hour in the morning to get ready, 2 hours of commuting, and a 10 hour work day (I work through my lunches)

I work for a small company and its in our best financial interest to succeed quickly.

Working in financial services is long hours unless you are one of those sales slackers.
i'm not unhappy. I have a duty to provide for my loved ones.

do you think there are really people who just flat out love going to work EVERY day?
i absolutely fucking love my job, and i still have days i don't want to be there. those are the days i usually only work 9 or 10 hours. ;)

you have to find something good in everything you do. plus rayn has like superman style stamina. so i hear.
make project triton/triton liquid able to show older posts
its annoying to have to change to tribalwar to see older posts in tribes scripting and policy updates and announcements for example
A suggestion:

Remove the pagenav template from the profile page, it's what's causing them to break and look like shit. More specifically this:

<div class="alt2 smallfont block_row block_footer">
<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: pagenav -->

Bunch of shit
<!-- END TEMPLATE: pagenav -->

Removing that would still have the pages listed below the visitor messages and not off to the side.
I kind of fucked up on that suggested. The pagenav that was for is the friends list section. For some reason it doesn't want to stay in it's div. Wasn't dumpy supposed to be fixing that kind of stuff?
In Triton Liquid, closed threads show the "reply" icon at the top of the page instead of the "closed" one.

Not sure if that's a change I wasn't aware of or if it's a mistake, but I prefer seeing "closed" when a thread is closed.

Thanks for the site Rayn & Co.