Here is a pic of Picard on the set of his latest adventure:


Maybe he needs more make up. Or a flute to play.
This new show will suck unless they also bring back John DeLancie.


Episode 1: "Q Tips" Q appears to give Jean Luc advice about how to better handle old age.
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Patrick Stewart Star Trek reboot is a retreat from progressivism | NBC


1. It's to placate white males
2. Discovery is way better since it's diverse


After 50 years of paying lip service to equality and a future where sexism and racism were problems of the past, this new series features a cast that matches the rhetoric. The decision also dovetails with recent efforts by franchise rival "Star Wars" to improve its casting diversity.

I guess we missed the part where TOS had a black woman on the bridge. Then TNG had two black actors, Technically brilliant Geordi and total badass Mr.Worf. Then DS9 with Capt. Sisko who was not only a badass, but regarded as a divine prophet of god to an entire planet of people. The logical black guy of VOY and the helmsmen of ENT...

... but no, not until Sonequa Martin-Green came along did we get some diversity in Star Trek's casting. We also got the most reviled lead character in all of Star Trek to go along with it. She handedly beats out Neelix and Wesley combined.
isaacs was fuckin fantastic tho

and even though shes getting older if u wouldn't bang the everliving shit out of michelle yeoh I have bad news 4 u: u have big gay