things that go bump in the night are going bump in my attic

Now, lets rationalise this.

If it's making sounds, it's a physical thing. If it makes thumps, then it can obviously move. Now, if it was moving towards you, it can obviously sense you. What's it's motive? Probably to figure out what the hell just moved. For all you know, the house may have been abandoned for some time, and something may have decided to move into the attic (hobo, bum, large angry monster, ect). Obviously, it isn't that large, as it's an attic and it has to have an entry and exit point, and it's probably bipedal or quadpedal of considerable strength and size (similar to you). Since the attic didn't collapse, it isn't something heavy or huge.

What does this mean? This means 2 things; first, that it can be harmed, since it has a connection to the physical world, physical world things can harm it. Preferably you want to keep most monsters (or anything that may be trying to eat or kill you) at a range, and since they are big, shotguns or various calibre hallowpoint rounds are preffered. A good backup would be a kukri or tomahawk, although I use a nice 4 inch knife as a tertiary backup to a shortsword and that is a backup to a sawed off shotgun. Second, it means it's relitivally small, and most likely, relitivally weak, but also, it's probably pretty fast. Very big things and very small things are often slow, but medium sized medium weight things are often pretty quick.

Now, if you are going to go after it, NEVER, EVER go during the night. During night, it has more consealment than you do, whatever it is, and fewer people will hear your screams or gurgling. You don't care if it see's you; you're heavily armed, you need to be able to see it. Additionally, ALWAYS go in groups; 4 or 5 people armed with bladed weapons can do a lot of damage.

Nothing to be afraid of if you've got some heavily armed friends and a pair between your shoulders. Don't be afraid, this will solve nothing. Not going into the addict simply means it can come down when you're sleeping at do what it will.

Also, one more thing; all these pics in this thread are fucking weak. I mean, Jesus H Christ, the scariest monster is this guy


Fuck is that ever weak, the teeth aren't even razor sharp. Say hello to kelvar body armor fucker.

"Graaaah, chomp"
hey, did something try to bite me?
"OOOWWW My Toof! My Toof!"
Oh, a monster... *doublecock* *HAMMER*
Eeh, if I knew he'd leave a mess instead of dissolving into the ether I'd dispatch him with a bloody kukri. WEAK.

Like seriously man, what the hell? you can tell it's a skinny guy in a retarded skinny fake demon suit. Are we all just preprogramed drones from bloody movie theater thrillers or what?
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