How come when Im in the ocean, I want Morgan Freeman to rip me a new asshole

did you and madkitten talk about her hobbies

such as moving from state to state every few months, being leased for drugs and money etc.
i'm really attacking madcat more than taxi right now durak

you're a faggot too so please don't follow my posts with ur posts

i do not want to catch ur fag disease
i guarantee you started saying broski because popular college consensus told you it was cool
i know for a fucking fact you have said broski on many occasions

you go to usc

edit: or is that fufu
Actually one time, MadCunt went to work or something, so I told her I would watch her hoochiemama-in-the-making kid for the afternoon, so I was sitting there working on something I forget what it was, and MadKitten started to go like... "I'm hungry". So I said yeah, okay, cool, give me like ten minutes to finish what I'm doing and I'll hook us up with some lunch.

For ten fucking minutes the kid would say "I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry. I'm hungry." like EVERY FUCKING THIRTY SECONDS. And every time she said it, I'd be like "Yeah... I heard ya... just chill a second and let me finish what I'm doing."

Finally it got to the point where I was like holy shit... this is fuckin nuts... this kid can't wait ten minutes to get a sandwich? Okay fine... I went downstairs and started making some lunch... then she starts going "I miss my mom. I miss my mom. I miss my mom. I miss my mom.", and she even like started sniffling and crying, so I was like... well... fuck... uhm... you want to call her and talk to her? She says yeah, so I call Cunty on the phone, and I hear the psychotic cunt say over the phone, "Is he being mean to you?" MadKitten says no, but I was like WHAT? Am I being "mean" to a seven year old kid???

They got off the phone or whatever, I stuff my cock in her mouth... wait no, I mean I stuff a sandwich in her mouth, and really wondered if both of them were brain damaged or something.
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