[PSA] The Sleepy Effect

not to deny that sleepy cheats or support him in anyway...

but if he was defending ds side of hb...its possible to catch cappers setting up the long e route.

some cappers run to close to the edge of the hill and you can see them about 10 seconds earlier than you should.

When I catch this I call it out....it prob looks real suspicious to my other defender and to the capper when I'm staring down the long e ready to make a bb.

But sleepy is full blown hacker who is only good killer with short range cg

He prob still can't hold a flag real good lmao
mav and alarik are friends

sleepy was banned so he started playing in turtle tank

Eventually he started pus there and people played with him

The community decided it was ok to play with sleepy

I guess mav unbanned because he doesn't care and would rather just play tribes

If it was my choice, he would still be banned for being a faggot and corrupter

but the community is made up of bad cheaters and good cheaters with a few good men left

the good men don't have much of a voice in this outlaw town

maybe its time for a change
sleepy can't be banned bc he has dynamic ip that can be changed at will

or somesuch

jm5k's wife is real fat and ginger
y u can not catch cheaters in this old game filled with meth addicts i found this today while searching troc forums for evidence of matin using autoaim

This whole banning of matin has made me change my mind. enjoy

Simply set a bind for the menu and you can use demo-breaker. This causes perm-iffs to flash when they shouldn't be visible so you can easily 'pretend' to not be hacking just like everyone else who plays base these days. You'll need advanced fire to hook into the automatic interpolation settings, but it's not necessary.

// Boots 1.4 Pack
// File:    HM.acs.cs
// Version:    1.0
// Author:    Zlex(Boots)
// Info:    Provides functional GUI
//         for netset and happymod plugins
//        Includes netset setting improvements for cg
//        Designed for RenSpawn, plz don't use in base
//        (hackfags)

//Set up our defaults
$happymod::permiff = true;
$happymod::MinimapTerrain = true;
$net::predictforwardtimemethod = 0;
$net::interpolatetime = 64;
$HM::BlinkSpeed = 0.1;
$HM::DemoBreak = false;

//Set up our chaingun

//Add a bind to bring up the menu
function HM::BindInit()
  after GameBinds::Init {
    $GameBinds::CurrentMapHandle = GameBinds::GetActionMap2( "playMap.sae");
    $GameBinds::CurrentMap = "playMap.sae";
    GameBinds::addBindCommand( "HM Settings", "HM::Toggle();");


//Toggles the HM menu on/off
function HM::Toggle() {

    %message = "<jc><f1>1] <f2>PermIFF(" ~ $happymod::permiff ~ ")  <jc><f1>2] <f2>Mini-Map Terrain(" ~ $happymod::MinimapTerrain ~ ")  <jc><f1>3] <f2>Netset(" ~ $net::predictforwardtimemethod ~ ")  <jc><f1>4] <f2>Terp(" ~ $net::interpolatetime ~ ")  <jc><f1>5] <f2>DemoBreaker (" ~ $HM::DemoBreak ~ ") <jc><f1>6] <f2>Close";

    pushActionMap( "HackMap.sae" );
    bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "1", TO, "HM::PermIFF();");
    bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "2", TO, "HM::MMTerrain();");
    bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "3", TO, "HM::Netset();");
    bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "4", TO, "HM::Terp();");
    bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "5", TO, "HM::StartBreaker();");
    bindCommand(keyboard0, make, "6", TO, "HM::Close();");
    remoteBP( 2048, %message, 0 );

function HM::StartBreaker()
    if ($HM::DemoBreak == true)
        $HM::DemoBreak = false;
        remoteBP(2048, "<jc><f1>Demobreak to: <f2>Off<f1>", 1);
        $HM::DemoBreak = true;
        remoteBP(2048, "<jc><f1>Demobreak to: <f2>On<f1>", 1);

function HM::DemoBreaker() 
  after HM::StartBreaker
    if ($HM::DemoBreak == true)

//Turns permIFFs on/off
function HM::PermIFF()
    if($happymod::permiff == true)
            $happymod::permiff = false;
        if ($HM::DemoBreak != true) {
            remoteBP(2048, "<jc><f1>PermIFF's set to: <f2>Off<f1>", 1);
    else if($happymod::permiff == false)
        $happymod::permiff = true;
        if ($HM::DemoBreak != true) {
            remoteBP(2048, "<jc><f1>PermIFF's set to: <f2>On<f1>", 1);

    if ($HM::DemoBreak != true) {

//Turns Mini-map terrain on/off
function HM::MMTerrain()
    if($happymod::MinimapTerrain == true)
            $happymod::MinimapTerrain = false;
        remoteBP(2048, "<jc><f1>MinimapTerrain set to: <f2>Off<f1>", 1);
    else if($happymod::MinimapTerrain == false)
        $happymod::MinimapTerrain = true;
        remoteBP(2048, "<jc><f1>MinimapTerrain set to: <f2>On<f1>", 1);

//Turns pft method
//Note: If you use the 1.3 method you must set the pft variable as you did in 1.3
function HM::Netset()
    if($net::predictforwardtimemethod == 0)
            $net::predictforwardtimemethod = 1;
        remoteBP(2048, "<jc><f1>NetSet set to: <f2>1.3<f1>", 1);
    else if($net::predictforwardtimemethod == 1)
        $net::predictforwardtimemethod = 2;
        remoteBP(2048, "<jc><f1>NetSet set to: <f2>1.4 Experimental Pft<f1>", 1);
    else if($net::predictforwardtimemethod == 2)
        $net::predictforwardtimemethod = 0;
        remoteBP(2048, "<jc><f1>NetSet set to: <f2>1.4<f1>", 1);

//Close the menu
function HM::Close()
    remoteBP(2048, "", 0.1);

//Sets interpolate to zero when chaining
//Note: Must use advanced fire for hook
function HM::Terp()
    if($net::interpolatetime == 0)
            $net::interpolatetime = 64;
        remoteBP(2048, "<jc><f1>Interpolate set to: <f2>64 - Terp Off<f1>", 1);
    else if($net::interpolatetime == 64)
        $net::interpolatetime = 0;
        remoteBP(2048, "<jc><f1>Interpolate set to: <f2>0 - Terp On<f1>", 1);

//Update interpolate setting
function HM::update()
    %curwep = GetMountedItem(0);
    if ( %curwep == GetItemType("Chaingun") && $AF::Firing == "TRUE")
        $net::interpolatetime = $HM::interpChain;
    else if ( %curwep == GetItemType("Vulcan") && $AF::Firing == "TRUE")
        $net::interpolatetime = $HM::interpChain;
        $net::interpolatetime = $HM::interpNormal;

//Get default interpolate value
function HM::reset() 
  after HM::Terp {
    $HM::interpNormal = $net::interpolatetime;

event::Attach(EventYouFired, HM::update);
event::Attach(EventYouReleased, HM::update);

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ya cuz it is so hard to find this shit on google or troc.us

anyway that is just a script that toggles stuff it is not happy mod it will not work without it