I need help obtaining scavenged materials


Veteran XX
I am pursuing the Armormech crafting skill and have chosen Slicing and Underworld Trade as my crew skills. Unfortunately, Armormech requires materials from slicing, underworld trade, and scavenging. Prices for even the level 1 scavenged materials are $$rapetacular$$ on the Galactic Trade Network.

I would offer my materials for trade, but I'm still only pulling level 1 stuff. In exchange for level 1 scavenged goods, I can offer: worthwhile advanced materials once I have enough skill to pull them; non-extortionist sums of credits; totally rad, ball draining imaginary BJs from Mako.

Help us, Tribal War Kenobi -- you're our only hope!
Frankly? Roll another to act as a scavenging mule. Make it a cybertech, so it can take advantage of the skill (and slicing).
Yeah, that's what I did. My scavenge bitch is Kid'Vid, sith warrior. I haven't decided if I am going with the BK Kids Club legacy or if I will make Kid Vid into a McDouble.

Edofnor's up to level 21 now, so I can probably use him for some heroic missions with your low level alts.