Post the MOST RECENT [PIC(s)] of you 2

Not my fault your shit isn't symmetrical!

Let's make a deal.

Full perm-ban to me if you can find that exact post, or full perm-ban to you if you can't.

And on top of that, I'll bet that you won't bother trying. Bitches back out quickly.

Some high altitude insanity right hurz. Went for a little hike, only to find the last 3 miles of the hike was still snow packed. The last mile, there was no foot steps and we kinda got lost, but finally we found the entrance to the wind cave.


Me giving the thumbs up before taking the snow slide.


Snow slide in action. This was a little sketchy because it was deceptively slick/fast and if you didn't stop soon enough, you fell into a tree well.


The whole last mile of the hike was actually pretty sketchy because there were lots of rivers you would have to walk across and hope the snow didn't give way beneath you.