[Official]Stranger Things Season 2 Netflix

They did an excellent job with creating multiple interesting story lines and maintaining a good pace with all of them.

See I'm not so sure I agree here. I think the show is quality nostalgia, but the plots and characters are really weak. What did Mike do in season 2? What did Nancy and Jonathan do all season? Nothing. What does Will ever do? Stranger Things suffers from having way too many characters for such a limited episode run.

Season 1 had a distraught mother seeking answers, a missing child, a sheriff slowly uncovering a mystery, an escaped telekenetic making friends, etc. Season 2 had three love triangles and some tunnels. Nancy and Jonathan's excursion to expose the lab and get justice for Barb didn't really play into anything. You could cut those scenes entirely and the season doesn't change. You could cut Mike completely out of the show and the season does not change. You could cut the pointless Chicago cringe and the season doesn't change. You could take out half of the Eleven scenes and get the same resulting story.

They need to either expand the episode count or lose a few more characters and subplots for the show to really work narratively. Nostalgia will only carry them so far.
Mike is the reason they don't die to the mindflayr - he is the only one will confides in and understands he's a spy, and comes up with isolating him I'm pretty sure. Also I think Mike is essential to eleven sticking around, but idk about that one as much

Johnathan/Nancy was to get closure for barb and presumably to pay off the tension from the first season between them. Also gives a reason for Steve to be a monster hubting bad ass since he's now single and hangs out with 14 year olds

Billy makes no sense tho and should have banged the mom
I think they would've figured out that the shadow monster was spying through Will without Mike. Regardless, there are a lot of subplots that have nothing to do with the main plot and tie up a lot of screen time on a 9 episode run. I think that it would've been a far better storyline to show more of Mike isolating himself from the group over the apparent replacement of Eleven by Max. That creates far more narrative tension than Eleven looking for "Mama" and wearing makeup.
Never watched it but just downloading season 1 in 1080p right now.

Watched 5 minutes of the first ep and looks OK

++ because Winona

must not fap too soon
Even though you know from the first second you see samwise you know what is going to happen to him, it still sucked.
his entire purpose was to be a side character that died, he was intended to be a pretty small part (like barb in s1)

but he's fuckin samwise and mikey and rudy, once u get him on set you want more

so he ended up having a much bigger part than intended - but his purpose was pretty much still the same - to die
Yeah I think the entire vibe and environment of 80s is what carries the show I still enjoyed it and had fun for nostalgia purposes but the actual character development and plot we're super predictable and boring season 2

Overall it's a fun show still though
Loved season 1, season 2 was meh. Personally I hope this is the last season because I will probably watch season 3.
Yeah I think the entire vibe and environment of 80s is what carries the show I still enjoyed it and had fun for nostalgia purposes but the actual character development and plot we're super predictable and boring season 2

Overall it's a fun show still though

agreed. i like the vibe and the music the most, kind of the same reason I like blade runner. still an entertaining show.

as soon as I saw that the kid had the demidog as a pet I predicted the scene where he runs into it and feeds it 3 musketeers to get by it