Can I sue Staple Maple

I just woke the kids up for school. They get Friday off so Imma figure something for us to do as a family. Maybe a nature hike or take them to Sleeping Bear Dunes. Anyway you shitheads have no fucking clue what I am really up too. Feel free to go fuck yourselves.
Alot can happen in 7 years. You can go from sure thing rapper superstar with all the money in the world to living in the log cabin you inherited from your gay lover who died.
My god what a waste. Thank god he’s going “out” soon.

A waste is one who OD's on heroin because they are too weak willed to correct their destructive behavior. Meanwhile I kicked heroin by myself, no rehab, and have been clean for all these years. Prob because I chose NOT to be a waste. The only "out" I'm going is to store to exchange BBQ propane tank because the porterhouse steaks I bought will not get cooked all yummy by themselves.