New New GIF (animated) Thread

Lane splitting is stupid. It was originally a good idea when bikes were almost all air-cooled and would over-heat sitting in bumper to bumper traffic, but there is no real reason a modern motorcycle (other than a Harley) needs to lane split. And if you're going to do it, its like 20-30 mph. If you're going down the road at 50+ splitting lanes, you deserve every fender you eat

you're a retard

lane splitting has nothing to do with keeping the bike cool lmfao
Lane splitting is stupid. It was originally a good idea when bikes were almost all air-cooled and would over-heat sitting in bumper to bumper traffic, but there is no real reason a modern motorcycle (other than a Harley) needs to lane split. And if you're going to do it, its like 20-30 mph. If you're going down the road at 50+ splitting lanes, you deserve every fender you eat

ya its totally for cooling lol
Say it isn't so Juggs. Say you're not a shithead that camps in the left lane going 2mph over on the interstate.
it doesn't look like hes punching the truck

it looks like the truck is drifting left while hes splitting and causing him to tap the side but if u fuckin cucks think that's a punch I'm p sure sarca would put his money on me