Thinking about a Shadow "combat" PVP spec


Veteran X
Skill Calculator - Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) Database

Is where I'm at, the only thing missing is using Combat Technique for the extra health regen, but everthing in that tree buffs Force Teq so I'd be using that.

This spec gives you several dots (Mind Crush, Sever and Breach of Force Teq) and several buffs to those as well as decent melee output and melee/force synergy (force crits buff melee crits, melee crits proc instant Mind Crush). Also it gives you 4 stuns (Sever Force, Force Stun, Instant Force Lift via Containment, Project)

I have to wait until 50 to really play but I'm curious what specs everyone is starting to come up with.

Shadow's Respite I might move over for Rapid Recovery, it just depends if I am force-maxed because of Double-Strike's dumb animation during those initial 6 seconds of double regen.

What do you think?
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Hah yeah I am still in pure Inf Maximum Backstab spec so it's all just make believe but it's fun to spec things out and see where you end up.

I tried to add Shadow Respite in there for you just so you had some solid opening burst but I can't find anywhere to get it from; maybe sacrifice the extra stun from Containment?
Get a pocket healer, spec Inf. with Voltaic Slash and enjoy back to back 5-8k+ crits from Surge + Shock/Shock procs, essentially guaranteed with a skill on a 30 second-1 minute CD. Lol.

500-600k dmg per game and stupid hard to kill, not to mention 15 medals
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Joe, have you used any of those healing abilities from the balanced tree? i was curious as to how well force in balance healed, and if the mind crush was critting enough to get something out of the periodic crit for heals talent.

i dont plan on using that channeled ranged ability too much.
For PvP, I can't see anything other than an inf spec.

Skill Calculator - Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) Database

Balance seems very caster oriented. But I can't get around without increased stealth, my occasional half cost and 100% armor pen shadow strike, and clairvoyant strike seems to be very OP as it does double damage, and contirbutes to lowering the cost of project. Clairvoyant at 25 focus seems to be the opener x 2, followed by a project, then force breach. Of course, shadow strike would be hella useful if I have a fucking mod that tells me when I have Find Weakness going for that bonus 100% armor pen SS.

Almost all of the Inf talents give melee damage bonus and contributes to PvP utility.

If you open with double clairvoyant strike, you're looking at a 30% increased damage project + a 25 focus cost for project, which seems pretty damn powerful.