Scripts for Tribes 1.40

woops, thanks pals

the sounds also seem to work in the base\Entities folder as well because that's where i had them before rechecking the thread and everything worked
Better not.. lemon's script has specific sounds, replacing them is not the best choice.

// Flag Drop Sounds

$Flag::DropSound[enemyflag]		="[B]shieldhit[/B]";
$Flag::DropSound[friendlyflag]		="[B]mine_act[/B]";

function Flag::DropSounds( %team, %cl ) {
	return ( %team == Client::GetTeam( getManagerId() ) ) ? ( localSound( $Flag::DropSound[friendlyflag] ) ) : ( localSound( $Flag::DropSound[enemyflag] ) );

Event::Attach(eventFlagDrop, Flag::DropSounds);

better not. change the name of your T2 sounds to dropfflag.ogg and dropeflag.ogg

after that, change in the script shieldhit to dropeflag and mine_act to dropfflag

once you have the sounds in ogg, i suggest you to share with the peeps here :D
Here are some scripts that I have converted for 1.4

I put them into two different packages.

This is the standalone pack with no GUI. Uhh--I think it works? Script binds are set in the Options screen. But you can't disable or enable anything.

One package contains my shitty attempt to create an option GUI for the scripts. Uhh--I think it works? But really it's more for other scripters to fix/add to what I've done, because it's totally incomplete and probably the wrong way to go about doing it. I just did it for the fun of it.

With GUI:

Scripts included
-Advanced Fire
Required for some of the other scripts

-Zoom when chaning

Flag Sounds
-Some extra sounds on flag events

Flag Check
-Notification when you're holding enemy flag

Jump Jet
-For the llamas

Pilot Sense
-Up your sensitivity for piloting scouts

Smart Ammo*
-Switch weapons on zero ammo, and nofication of low ammo

Zoom and Snipe
-Croutch and swtich to sniper rifle on zoom in

Spam Script and Local Sounds
-Some useless spam

Of course, read the readme before installing.


Here is a better host for ItemHud
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What's not working? Some of the scripts require you to use Advanced Fire instead of regular fire, which should be settable in the binds screen.
Test scripts on a demo and/or hosted server other than your own. Lemon's AmmoHud did not work for me until I viewed a demo or joined a server. Localhost did not work. :confused:
sweet stuff dude

I peeked at the options stuff and I will mess around with it when I get some time

I always like building gui stuff but it's so damn time consuming

are you unemployed?

School and work.

Making the GUIs is actually pretty easy since you can just exec gui.cs files to create objects. Really, you could just edit Options.gui.cs and make a menu item in 30 seconds. I just wanted to see how I could do it outside of the base folder. I think my method for importing the objects is piss poor though. There must be a better way. If I had the time I'd look at newOpts and figure out what's going on in there, but I really don't know enough.

Since the code is pretty messy, I'll explain what's going on. Basically, the following is happening:

1] Executing a gui.cs file to create the page and menu item for "Extras." I call this the 'set'.

2] Recursively finding where those 'set' objects go in the GUI tree, then adding them to the appropriate node. This is done by supplying the name of a sibling node of the same level and getting the parent node's Id.

3] Each script then has its own gui.cs that is executed, which builds objects at the top level, and then there is some code in each script file that adds those objects to the "Extras" 'set'

The overall logic seems to work, but my implementation is pretty bad. Ideally, I'd like to find a better way of sticking the 'set' pages into the GUI tree. And I'm not really sure if I am extending the right functions. I had to stick a boolean variable into the script just to make sure it doesn't keep trying to add objects to the GUI once the Options page has been loaded once.

There are tons of problems, it's no where near functional enough to use.

Maybe if I get some time I can figure out how to clean it up, but I figured you guys would be more capable.
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Quick and dirty loadout fix.

Lets you add more loadouts to your config. Comes with 9 pre-defined loadouts.

Of course, please read the readme

To the people who are already modifying tons of shit in the base/scripts folder. If you've edited binds.cs or Game_Loadouts.cs don't use this. Peek at the files and I'm sure you can figure out what needs to be done. Nothing complex.
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