Lets see those Configs boys!

eskimofo said:

("xhair", "511 383", "overlay");

earlier release of hudbot? 3m was the last one before the radar i think


i want my compass back :(

Small changes are the best ones. Thanks bad_billy for the gren skin & sky.
I added some lines. I cant wait for your new site to come out.
Mattack said:

Small changes are the best ones. Thanks bad_billy for the gren skin & sky.
I added some lines. I cant wait for your new site to come out.

Hey where can i get that ski from?
Link To Config, Or Ski.
How do you people play with such low gamma :|

Krayvok: That hud needs the TimeStamp patch, and then it's just a simple little script to call the right functions and update as needed. Do a search on TimeHud, or was it TimTime, something like that. If you're using Andrew's Konfig (modules one) I can hook you up with a Time script I wrote.
cyclonite said:
How do you people play with such low gamma :|

Krayvok: That hud needs the TimeStamp patch, and then it's just a simple little script to call the right functions and update as needed. Do a search on TimeHud, or was it TimTime, something like that. If you're using Andrew's Konfig (modules one) I can hook you up with a Time script I wrote.

send it to Krayvok@Comcast.net
Thanks Bro i am useing My Personal config.
if you can find it or have it send it by
// Example script using the new timestamp() function

function TimeHUD::Init()
	if ($TimeHUD::Loaded)
	$TimeHUD::Loaded = true;

	HUD::New::Shaded("TimeHUD::Container", 761, 51, 60, 17, TimeHUD::OnWake, TimeHUD::OnSleep);
	newObject("TimeHUD::Text", FearGuiFormattedText, 0, 0, 60, 17);
	HUD::Add("TimeHUD::Container", "TimeHUD::Text");

//        01234567890123456789012
//format: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.mmm

function TimeHUD::Update()
	%str = timestamp();
	$TimeStamp::Hour = String::GetSubStr(%str, 11, 2);
	$TimeStamp::Minute = String::GetSubStr(%str, 14, 2);

	if ($TimeStamp::Hour >= 13)
		$TimeStamp::Hour -= 12;
		$TimeStamp::Mode = "PM";
		$TimeStamp::Mode = "AM";

	Control::SetValue("TimeHUD::Text", "<JC><f1>" @ $TimeStamp::Hour @ ":" @ $TimeStamp::Minute @ " " @ $TimeStamp::Mode);
	Schedule::Add("TimeHUD::Update();", 60);

function TimeHUD::OnWake() {}
function TimeHUD::OnSleep() {}

Event::Attach(eventConnectionAccepted, "TimeHUD::Update();");


Just name it TimeHUD.acs.cs and drop it in config\modules and Andrew's Konfig should find it and run it automatically.