Time to show you guys SH with terrain re-textured

The boxy thing makes it look like farmland. Or a really well manicured lawn (a concept that I find tremendously amusing given the seven kinds of hell that usually are breaking loose on Raindance :)).

It looks awesome. :D
mag said:
It's the gay grids thatappear in Tribes, but Sarca's terrain isn't blending in on all sides.

there are anomalies with the default textures as well as mine as well as the torque engine too. (torque has been updated though, like a week ago to try and fix it)
I just uploaded the finished terrain set. Someone is testing it now.

They haven't responded in almost 5 mins...

oh wait....this just in..

oh man it looks great
one sec
theres a screenshot i gotta make

^^thats a plus =)