Star Trek: Discovery & Orville Trailers

I watch the original Star Trek every night on H&I at 8pm. I can see the similarities between this show. Present a problem, watch the crew figure out how to solve it, and the solution appears (unless it's a 2 part episode). That's how all these Star Trek shows work. This one has a different take on it with new characters and the comedy relief.
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Episode 3 and you jump right into transgender issues, ballsy but stupid.

it also added nothing to the discussion... also using rudolph as a catalyst for klingon dude's change of heart? was expecting a punchline during his revelation, but no it was serious...

also really felt like they really swung and missed on another punchline in ep 2 when the egg first came up, at the end of seth's convo with klingon, he says something like "boy I really want some eggs now". fucking A the punchline should be him walking over to a food dispenser thing and ordering an omelet. overall I did like ep 2 though

and alara is fucking hot
I'm glad they gave Alara her eyebrows back.

Episode 3 and you jump right into transgender issues, ballsy but stupid.

I dunno about stupid, I rather appreciated that:

1. The sovereignty of a Union member state concerning its own laws and social norms was affirmed.

2. In the future, even alien species with (from our perspective) a skewed view of gender recognize that one is born either male or female. No self-identification or spectrum bullshit.

3. Mocia is a whole gay planet of bears whose entire economy is based on arms production.
orville epsiode 4 was great imo. the overall plotline was perfect trek style, felt right out of TNG/VOY

but with dick jokes
orville epsiode 4 was great imo. the overall plotline was perfect trek style, felt right out of TNG/VOY

but with dick jokes

I swore it was going to be a dyson sphere. And then it looked like a dyson sphere, but then they panned back and it wasn't and I was like...phew! But it was dyson sphereesque.
Another enjoyable episode. Not quite as high concept as the last one, but still a "smart" episode. And an epic cameo.:)

But what of the baby? Many dangling plot lines.
The baby is alive and well. He's not going to be the focus of the show every single week.
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First show felt a bit forced, then I was worried that it was going to be all SJWey after the second. 3rd ep was really solid. Looking forward to next week. They are also getting some big names to be on the show as cameos.

Maybe it's just me but there seemed to be a LOT of commercials...