Tuning changes for 05, open beta

-A- ...Lost? said:
your opinion on my feedback and opinion is just that...an opinion. thats my opinion. Fool is a capper. im a flag defender. interesting how u felt the need to speak up in defense of a favorite exploit.

if anyone is capping and making it back to their flag across the map in a shield pack, in any build of Tribes since 1999...it needs adjustment.

stick your opinion of my opinion up your ass, fool

I normally play Defense and I think Flag Discing is for faggots.
-A- ...Lost? said:
your opinion on my feedback and opinion is just that...an opinion. thats my opinion. Fool is a capper. im a flag defender. interesting how u felt the need to speak up in defense of a favorite exploit.

if anyone is capping and making it back to their flag across the map in a shield pack, in any build of Tribes since 1999...it needs adjustment.

stick your opinion of my opinion up your ass, fool

someone is scared of change.

Suddenly_Dead said:
You can bind it however you like, as having multiple function for one key is possible. People are recommending you bind Ski to one button (space usually), and both Jump and Jet to another (Right mouse). This makes it easy to get off the ground, and gives you better skiing control.

I think it still defaults to Jump and Ski on space, and Jet on right mouse. I think it should default to the other way to help newbies out :shrug:
my controls is Numpad 5 2 jump, then Right mouse 2 Jet pack :grimreape