Tuning changes for 05, open beta

People need to get over the FP exclusive thing. It's a week, either pay or don't, but it's only a fucking week. I refuse to pay fileplanet to test a beta, so I'll just wait. I have no problem with that, and I don't blame fileplanet for deals like this. They have to offer exclusives like this if they want to draw in customers.
imperial said:
no, my cutt up fingers are in my way, and english, or the ppl that live by it, are how to say, lol, whiney, or lack common scence enuff to make out the info, kinda like one of the best ren players, bitch had so many typos and incorrect shit, but would own so bad, that most hated on this person, or kicked em alot, How to say 2424, lol .... No, money ='s all in the bs world, fuck english, or correct shit ...
next it will be, length, either to long or to short ....

my god, i hope you're not american.
imperial said:
what? Ty's to WarHammer 40k for giving alot of us something to do while we wait for ? hahaha .... yea, i really hope, that since we hear about all this work now, as in, beta testing, or whatever, that this game, will not have to be patch heavy then, k .... but its cool the devs are really paying attention, which is going to bring (hopefully) a game that seemed to be, how to say it, like some new guys game in, and took over a game alot of veterans play now, so they may not kno certain things, its not here fault for the teasing delay i dont think ? but um, to see bad things about vehicals, and to see total strays in beta, makes u think .... soon as beta goes pubilc, will see alot of competetion clans with servers playing this game hardcore then, when this happens then you should get a good idea of what really sucks or whatever ....
and maybe there not paying that much attention, maybe there taking things that they seem good on our end and adding it, tweaking it to fit into THERE game .....
:weird: Whats your point actually?
imperial said:
no, my cutt up fingers are in my way, and english, or the ppl that live by it, are how to say, lol, whiney, or lack common scence enuff to make out the info, kinda like one of the best ren players, bitch had so many typos and incorrect shit, but would own so bad, that most hated on this person, or kicked em alot, How to say 2424, lol .... No, money ='s all in the bs world, fuck english, or correct shit ...
next it will be, length, either to long or to short ....

I'm glad school is starting soon.
It still would be nice to know when the open beta will start now that this info is released. Or atleast say if it will be today or this weekend so we are not checking the site every 20 minutes seeing for an update.
CarpeIppon said:
Additional rules: When the flag is in the stand, it is "locked in" so you can't grapple it or disk it away. You have to touch it to pull it out.

Shorten the time the flag can sit on the ground before it respawns so defenders can't just hide it with disks.
This is currently how it is, and is part of my argument behind why flag discing could be a good balance with grapplable flags.

As it stands, you cannot grapple a flag away from the flag stand. Hell, you look at the stand itself and it looks like a giant clamp designed to hold the flag in place! A capper must, at the very least, get the flag off the stand before defenders need to worry about flag grappling. Secondly, they need to get far enough away from the base that their mid-fielders (or a following capper) even have a chance at getting to the flag before the LD return it.

Secondly, Fool's argument about flag discing slows gameplay is a little different for T:V, in my opinion. Mostly because I think the terrain engine has done away with most of those types of areas. But more importantly because the flag return timer is MUCH shorter. In almost every situation, I'd say the flag would automatically return before any LD got it into a really good "irretrievable" spot. At that point, discing just becomes the ability to move a flag away from an incoming capper before he/she grapples it.

(Again, I'm well aware this won't change anything for 05. I'm just letting my opinions be known, and hoping for intelligent discussion regarding this issue)
I might have missed this but what about jump and jet? Do i now have to hold down a key to ski and press another key to get off the ground when I jet?
WinterFreshX said:
Will TW host download for TW registered ppl?
I would prolly think for the people in the private beta.
The openbeta will require a unique CDKEY. Thats why you will have to get it off FP.
Thank you so much for removing flag grappling. That was one thing i really really really disliked about the game. A+ now, thanks again.
GreeD said:
I might have missed this but what about jump and jet? Do i now have to hold down a key to ski and press another key to get off the ground when I jet?

You can bind it however you like, as having multiple function for one key is possible. People are recommending you bind Ski to one button (space usually), and both Jump and Jet to another (Right mouse). This makes it easy to get off the ground, and gives you better skiing control.

I think it still defaults to Jump and Ski on space, and Jet on right mouse. I think it should default to the other way to help newbies out :shrug:
poisonspider said:
rocket pod
sniper rifle
need work?

err also some people say heavies to mobile. but i dont know.

I agree on the rifle and rocketpod need a little more tweaking but the heavies are fine. You can kill them pretty easy, so it balances it out.
Yogi said:
It's not very intuitive.

You'll get groups of players who say "It doesn't make sense that a grappling hook could grab something out of the air but not off the ground"

It's all or nothing.
Bleh. Since when does realism matter in Tribes? It doesn't make sense that your flag is instantly teleported back to your base when you touch it, but I don't see anyone having trouble grasping that concept.
-A- ...Lost? said:
nerfing the skill curve by cutting the usability of zoom controls??

i have seen you play, and you suck

so i guess the skill curve isnt cut low enough

go back to t2, bye
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