[CANADA] Justin pushing "Assault style weapons" ban

holy shit lets post more strawman nonsense

i think the gun 'ban' is stupid. but moreover, it's stupid because it plays against the stupidity of both sides. morons believe it's going to accomplish something, and different morons think it means all semi autos are banned when it effectively only bans 9 'scary' variants and u can still buy shitloads of other ones

its typical Trudeau empty shirt posturing that no one should really care about

but ya, Jews, good call, great argument.

Death is the only cure for tyranny. I'm sorry if you can't see that.
effectively only bans 9 'scary' variants

there is a difference between no longer allowing the sale of something

and just outright taking something that is already owned by people

ex-post facto "before the fact"...in this case the law/ban.....we called this before talmudic pilput became supreme law interpretation of western world.

and imagine if I took away ONLY 9 "kinds" of degenerate porn......or marijuana strain types from you. would you still be like that's no big deal?

of course not

sad trombone noise

i hear that music a lot now

last month during Auschwitz remembrance month.......now for this month long tribute session

i mean moveon.org already

US will push countries to love their Jews more, anti-Semitism monitor says

In a press call Monday to mark Jewish American Heritage Month, Carr outlined steps the United States was taking worldwide to advocate for defending Jews as violent anti-Semitism spikes, including security measures, prosecuting hate crimes and condemning anti-Semitic speech.


i almost feel like this sad trombone song is our new national anthem
the nra is a powerful lobbying force in the states and there really isn't anything like it in canada unfortunately

well there's the nfa but i bet 95% of canadians have never even heard of them so that tells you what a great job they're doing

i know everyone already knows this so its dumb to have to say it, but

really the only power you have politically is to call your representatives on all sides and voice your opinion and say that your vote depends on this. that's all politicians care about - getting your vote

even a very vocal minority can get shit done politically if they're loud enough to seem bigger than they are, i think we've seen that time and time again

talking about killing the pm on the internet? probably not gonna win support for your noble cause lol
holy shit lets post more strawman nonsense

i think the gun 'ban' is stupid. but moreover, it's stupid because it plays against the stupidity of both sides. morons believe it's going to accomplish something, and different morons think it means all semi autos are banned when it effectively only bans 9 'scary' variants and u can still buy shitloads of other ones

its typical Trudeau empty shirt posturing that no one should really care about

but ya, Jews, good call, great argument.

^cucked retard.

Only bans 9 today, 7 tomorrow, 6 the day after, 5 the following day, 4 when they feel right... till oh, we ran out of guns to ban...

faggots like you deserve the rope with the fucksticks passing these laws because you only serve to enable their bullshit till one day you end up with nothing and you'll still happily lick their boots stepping on your face.
if this is how u guys treat someone that supports ur cause no wonder it's doing so well lol
Death is the only cure for tyranny. I'm sorry if you can't see that.

I am going to get to the point of all this imo

Cenk Uygur said:
If we had a Democrat with balls when we take over, they’d cut off funding to red states & make them beg for their handout. Almost all of them are welfare queens who live off the blue states. Republican run states are on average miserable failures who take more from federal govt. Donald J. Trump on Twitter:

Cenk Uygur on Twitter:

the pogroms are coming boys and girls

it's that point and our turn in history

rural (Kulaks) vs. urban (Bourgeoisie)

tell me it was just a coincidence that every media outlet was pushing eating bugs, living in pods, and the "miracle meat" burger was the fad before this (((virus))) hit us.


Michele on Twitter:

I mean this is only just beggining

States like CA demanding bailouts, getting 10 Billion for unemployment, but also refusing people to go back to work or do anything to feed themselves.

And demanding more by the second......

This is the biggest money maker ever for the welfare state and welfare first politicians who got HUGE "CARE" package money but like in Oregon are refusing to give it to any county, no matter COVID issues, if they don't have over 500k population. In essence a way to starve rural america while fattening up the big cities, the only places I say anyone on the West Coast, or even in Canada, Tradeau trader treasonous politicians admit to representing.

So you can't feed yourself, you can't open your business, the money has run out and they refuse to give you more and yet the enforcement is only being implemented against you and your family for "breaking the laws". As they usher in more immigrants and refugees despite most of these bans. As they let out the prisoners and demand ICE detention centers be emptied onto our streets (not sent home) despite them having the HIGHEST infection rates of any other demographic.

This is like emptying the insane asylum, the nut houses, to cure mental illness problems......except mental illness isn't supposed to be nearly as contagious

That's what we are up against now folks. The real life Hunger Games scenario. Where nobody wants to fight for others because fuck those people (as Amram and I already listed out pages earlier)

So who is left?

Battling to be American - The path to citizenship for those who put on American uniform has narrowed | United States | The Economist


Just the new and improved citizens who are not loyal to or conditioned to fight for this country which is no longer really a nation at all anymore........foreign paid and born mercenaries as Rome called them before the collapse.


Without immigrants, the United States army would have failed to meet its recruiting goals nearly every year between 2002 and 2013 Battling to be American - The path to citizenship for those who put on American uniform has narrowed | United States | The Economist

I mean Happy Cinco de Mayo I say


Even after they become the voting and vocal MAJORITY (like in California) they are still fighting for their MINORITY RIGHTS and privileges (against actual minority groups now).
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You have a funny definition of "support"

Groove: hey guys this new law is dumb but it only bans 9 guns so you shouldn't care that it bans em...

with allies like you "supporting" our cause I'm sure gun rights will be dead in a few years...
I mean just let the Visagoth's in........they are the real Romans

Give up your weapons CIVILIANS to save CIVILIZATION


While Americans were forced to racially integrate at gunpoint by D.C., (elite Whites were already doubly segregated by wealth; the rest undertook suburban White flight, private schooling/gated communities when possible) *no* troops were needed for transgenderism.




I mean maybe they are right we don't need our guns?

I am pro #2A and for the liberty minded logic of demotic martial armament.

But for most conservatives, guns are a security blanket comforting them as they lose every issue *and* political power; forget ever using guns as a backstop to any tyrannical response to their reaction.

"Maybe my son is dead in Afghanistan and my daughter is now my new son and my wife died of a fentanyl addiction and my job was outsourced and my neighbors are illegal aliens and the teevee is telling me to kill myself, but if the liberals try ANYthing....I've got mah gunz!"

Indian Bronson on Twitter:

I mean it might be long past that point as this twitter user mocks (correctly)




I mean to be replaced by foreign legions, on our own land, disarmed, forced to integrate, our money and representation only benefits them and none of our money/time/votes benefits us anymore.

CITIZENSHIP is only a punishment and a detriment......


This only happens throughout history after the hosting country lost a war.........so which war did we lose exactly? That's my question here.

We need to look into that.
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You have a funny definition of "support"

Groove: hey guys this new law is dumb but it only bans 9 guns so you shouldn't care that it bans em...

with allies like you "supporting" our cause I'm sure gun rights will be dead in a few years...

Groove actually pulled the "HELLO FELLOW WHITE MAN" game on us with the "HELLO FELLOW GUN ENTHUSIAST/ADVOCATE" lines.......

and then he wanted us to thank him for it :rofl:

I mean GOT DAM this was a good joke......best one of the day

He acts like any amount of coddling or even public cock sucking of DRESDEN type posters (great name btw......given their horrific actual HOLOCAUST by fire history) was going to change his mind or sway him one iota.

Guy doesn't even know wtf an assault weapon is and wants to create policy on that. These types of people are absolutely everywhere. They somehow control everything.

There are sheep and people who demand to be treated like cattle......or as he calls them GOY. Then there are people who want, no demand, to be left the fuck alone from your attempts to sheer, flock and fuck them over forever. If the WESTERN WORLD wants a peaceful resolution and future it is best to let the two groups form their own groups and go their own separate ways. Amicably split and do their own things their own way. Leave those who demand to be left alone the fuck ALONE. Let people pick their own paths forward. Forcing this one size fits all bug mold is only going to create a bigger hell on Earth (assuming that is even possible along our trajectory).
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You have a funny definition of "support"

Groove: hey guys this new law is dumb but it only bans 9 guns so you shouldn't care that it bans em...

with allies like you "supporting" our cause I'm sure gun rights will be dead in a few years...

we're at day 10000 of ur 'banned guns' list dude

i know this is like the first time most people have been engaged politically in their life and i dont expect you to know about canada but

this isn't anything new in canada

this is like

every government ever, every few years

and the conservatives never fight it that much and rarely reverse any of it (ok the long gun ban got reversed, that was sweet)

heck even all the conservative news outlets are just calling it pointless which is totally true

last time i checked the cons had lost a ton of support lately and trudeau was back up to like 45% vs 25% for the cons (but thats pretty typical during crisis times)

trudeau won't survive another election anyways imo (he barely made the last one) so surely the incoming conservatives will reverse this due to the intense public pressure
the nra is a powerful lobbying force in the

You know what's a bigger lobby in your country?

selling your nation out to China?

selling your soul to trans (and tranny) national mega corps called globo homo inc and importing endless replacements for the indigenous Maple Syrup suckers (who don't get First Nations title).

Canada wants to welcome more than 1 million new immigrants in the next three years - CNN

Trader Tradeau not lifting his COVID control for 18 months....or more

and like Nice, France they are going to demand an immunity passport before you can leave or enter...........but of course not needed to be outright replaced by someone from another land who will work cheaper and vote to undermine the native populations


no wonder they demand them guns........the scary ones
Once again...

If this issue is so obviously supported by the majority of Canadians... then why not bring the issue before Parliament so it can be debated openly and all sides given a chance to be heard? It should be a no-brainer and surely a vote would easily pass? No... instead of that, Trudeau just summarily decided (once again) the issue himself and declared his agenda as the law of the land.

You can preach about the ideals of a democracy and how a society should settle debates, but none of that matters when you have a Liberal government lead by a former drama teacher who doesn't act democratically.

Groove actually pulled the "HELLO FELLOW WHITE MAN" game on us with the "HELLO FELLOW GUN ENTHUSIAST/ADVOCATE" lines.......

and then he wanted us to thank him for it :rofl:

I mean GOT DAM this was a good joke......best one of the day

He acts like any amount of coddling or even public cock sucking of DRESDEN type posters (great name btw......given their horrific actual HOLOCAUST by fire history) was going to change his mind or sway him one iota.

Guy doesn't even know wtf an assault weapon is and wants to create policy on that. These types of people are absolutely everywhere. They somehow control everything.

There are sheep and people who demand to be treated like cattle......or as he calls them GOY. Then there are people who want, no demand, to be left the fuck alone from your attempts to sheer, flock and fuck them over forever. If the WESTERN WORLD wants a peaceful resolution and future it is best to let the two groups form their own groups and go their own separate ways. Amicably split and do their own things their own way. Leave those who demand to be left alone the fuck ALONE. Let people pick their own paths forward. Forcing this one size fits all bug mold is only going to create a bigger hell on Earth (assuming that is even possible along our trajectory).

Hi dude! Good to see you. How'd COVID treating you?

I know 'an assault weapon ban' is not what happened at all (isn't it a nonsensical term anyways?) so it's funny that you would suggest i support any of this

i mean like, im literally against this ban and you're saying i'm behind it? lol dude

i dont get why you argue against some fictional depiction of me that is literally the opposite of what im saying

can i spell it out more clearly

i think this is bad

real bad


im just saying its nothing new and the conservatives here don't reverse it either
we're at day 10000 of ur 'banned guns' list dude

For context here is the actual banned gun list I posted back on page 1

Canada Gazette, May 1, 2020 Part II

too big for me to post here..........and that's the point

You can say it is all derivatives of 9 platforms so no big deal.........but I could say that banning/abolishing homo sapiens is just one hominid of human evolution potential and possibility.

kind of a big deal considering that involves all of us on this forum.

or in this case most of what people actually own.

but hey there are always cro magnums
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Hi dude! Good to see you. How'd COVID treating you?

I know 'an assault weapon ban' is not what happened at all (isn't it a nonsensical term anyways?) so it's funny that you would suggest i support any of this

i mean like, im literally against this ban and you're saying i'm behind it? lol dude

i dont get why you argue against some fictional depiction of me that is literally the opposite of what im saying

can i spell it out more clearly

i think this is bad

real bad


im just saying its nothing new and the conservatives here don't reverse it either

hi buddy you know i give you crap because it is fun and fills my preconceived stereotype agenda about certain people

if i actually wanted to get mad at you i can't do it anyways

so it is just a game......a dumb one like banning shit

my only point is where does it end?

I mean as we saw with Virginia it was a huge turnout. It was 100% nonviolent and was actually pretty impressive considering everyone was armed like it was a warzone.

Nobody expected that turnout and everyone was better than perfectly behaved. I don't think there was a single arrest either (maybe one on antifa side). It was a perfect demonstration by next to perfect people in my eyes.

And what happened? Gov. Blackface went ahead and did what he was going to do anyways. He acted like he was the victim (again) and went into hiding while passing every chickenshit gun grabbing law he wanted to pass without consideration for anything but himself and his larger globalist agenda.

So there is no real argument left to move forward..........they don't respect our opinions and honestly aren't scared of retribution nor reprisal. They know that there are no consequences for them doing whatever they want and whatever I feel like they are actually paid to do while in office (sell us out and ruin our lives......enslave us and our future to usury)

So there is only a few options left for the rest of us.......

bend over and take it (I don't advocate rape)

ignore the laws they enact (just don't follow them...more numerous the laws more corrupt the state etc)

flagrantly abuse and break those laws and demand they do something about it (SC did in this thread)

or force confrontation and conflict (good luck with that one.....and will only prompt them to do it again in response)

I honestly don't know what to do or suggest anymore.......I'm a 100% legal law following person who they keep trying to make more illegal and unlawful. I'm the bad guy while the murderers and rapists are let out of prison and are just misunderstood. Even my nicest words are somehow less lawful than actual violence I am being told.

California Man Arrested 3 Times In 12 Hours But Repeatedly Released Due To Zero-Bail Policy | Zero Hedge

so in regards to action by the Citizens, since elections and protests clearly don't matter anymore, it does nothing in the larger picture, at best we get controlled opposition, there is only one path left some say (NOT ME OF COURSE) and that is "day of the rope"


and that really sucks for those who want nothing but to live a peaceful happy freedom loving life on our own terms

but I don't make the world I just live in it.....:shrug:
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For context here is the actual banned gun list I posted back on page 1

Canada wants to welcome more than 1 million new immigrants in the next three years - CNN

too big for me to post here..........

You can say it is all derivatives of 9 platforms so no big deal.........but I could say that banning/abolishing homo sapiens is just one hominid of human evolution potential and possibility.

kind of a big deal considering that involves all of us on this forum.

or in this case most of what people actually own.

i think you got your link mixed up, it's the china one which i agree with you on btw (again)

i hear if you look at the list of 1500 'variants' or whatever, it bans an ar-15 website, a facebook group and a pellet gun too lol

also is this bill C-71 we're talking about? the one that's been debated and ongoing for like 2 years already? or did trudeau introduce a new one
i think you got your link mixed up, it's the china one which i agree with you on btw (again)

i hear if you look at the list of 1500 'variants' or whatever, it bans an ar-15 website, a facebook group and a pellet gun too lol

also is this bill C-71 we're talking about? the one that's been debated and ongoing for like 2 years already? or did trudeau introduce a new one

yeah wrong link.....sorry about that not as good at internet as i used to be

Canada Gazette, May 1, 2020 Part II

fixed it in OP but just in case you miss it here it is again

honestly i'm not even sure

i don't even know if you guys have an ATF equivalency up there

I don't even know who enforces this shit yet alone what is being enforced.

And as with SC's posts neither do local and even state law enforcement.

I could research it but I really don't care that much.......I'm not a lawyer and I'm not even in Canaduh.

being ignorant is also par for the course as we could see with Dresden's posts and nothing comes of that on the internet anymore (except more idiocy). Plenty of tarded people living kick ass lives these days. I just want to be one of them now.

I am at the point where I can barely keep up with my own locality laws and compliance of my own gun grabbers whims without going to pound me in the ass prison for having the wrong kind of grip, wrong release pin, my stock not being "fixed", or firing the wrong kind of ammo even (leaded vs. unleaded).

now I have to worry about BLM land or going near a PARK because that is a 1k dollar fine and up to 6-12 months in prison as well. So carry a map I'm told.......:lol:


look at this stupid thing......lol

now with butt plug adapter soon.

I’m equally amused and saddened when I see the UK press sperg out about our guns.

Armed protesters enter Michigan's state capitol demanding end to coronavirus lockdown – video

I mean I'll just pretend I am one of these britbong people.......JFC

every post is about their own white humiliation and self hatred complex/issues

at this point I am beyond blackpilled

I am just waiting for what comes next

U.K. brand selling no-tip knives - National | Globalnews.ca

Ban sales of pointed kitchen knives as there is no reason for them in modern world, says Church of England

*fingers crossed and dick tuckd*
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im just saying its nothing new and the conservatives here don't reverse it either

maybe canada is different when it comes to laws, but here in the US, if you ban weapons and just "go with it" and the citizens become more complacent and more idiotic (liberal) and vote in the tyrants, things become a BIT harder just to REVERSE it.

at that point, you're pretty much fucked. that's where your country is heading.
honestly i'm not even sure

i don't even know if you guys have an ATF equivalency up there

I don't even know who enforces this shit yet alone what is being enforced.

And as with SC's posts neither do local and even state law enforcement.

I could research it but I really don't care that much.......I'm not a lawyer and I'm not even in Canaduh.

being ignorant is also par for the course as we could see with Dresden's posts and nothing comes of that on the internet anymore (except more idiocy). Plenty of tarded people living kick ass lives these days. I just want to be one of them now.

yeah see this is basically what i meant, like it seems as if a few ppl are getting all worked up about this and its like

wait didn't Trudeau already have this legislation and didn't really follow through with it


at least twice already?

(nah we don't know that, we're at home during COVID this is all new to us)

i'll be honest i just read the conservative news coverage of this and it's basically 100% 'lol this is dumb and pointless' not 'mrah this is bad' or even 'im against this'

trust me i've had the gun control argument with countless canadians, if 80% of them are dumb enough to think this pointless 'ban' is a good idea how do you think those arguments go

and yet here on tw i get called names for i guess not being pro gun enough to recommend violence against the prime minister lmao

p.s. gfg on the idocracy reference
and the conservatives never fight it that much and rarely reverse any of it (ok the long gun ban got reversed, that was sweet)

this is where I ask wtf have conservatives ever conserved?

at this point TPUSA has LADY MAGA (a full blown tranny) and gay black guy on stage acting like they not only support it but are the real non-racists now

liberals move the goal posts and they just keep chasing it while accepting their narrative and arguments all the way down the slippery slope

Strip Clubs Should Be Eligible to Receive Emergency Loans, Wisconsin Judge Says

bailouts for strip clubs now........:lol:

wonder what tribe that judge belongs to......i think i know




this is the guy they say is literally hitler.....LMAO


LOCK EM UP with only his supporters and admin in Prison now it looks like

trudeau won't survive another election anyways imo (he barely made the last one) so surely the incoming conservatives will reverse this due to the intense public pressure

popularity is irrelevant

just like Joe Biden being tied with Trump in Texas.....FUCKING TEXAS

not California........Not New York........TEXAS

despite having like 19% enthusiasm among his base of supporters

actual shit sandwich running and it still has a good chance of winning

because obviously other things matter more to certain tribes of people

caring about their candidate isn't one of them
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